Friday, July 9, 2021 UTC

HashSpace Introducing


HashSpace is a borderless social application ecological chain initiated by the HashSpace.N.V Curaçao Foundation, led by several international listed companies such as William Hill, and jointly participated by a number of global digital economy industry associations. HashSpace uses the HS-Chain high-performance public chain as the underlying technology, adopts the HS-Alliance alliance governance model, forms a dual-chain hybrid architecture, opens up global network protocols, and builds an open, transparent, collaborative, and co-governance on-chain application ecosystem for global users.

As traditional Internet users, due to the censorship system all over the world, we are subject to various restrictions on the use of social application services. Every country monitors Internet usage without exception. Similarly, service providers are also monitoring, tracking, and analyzing every user on the Internet. They even sell the relevant information about users to any buyer who is willing to pay. At present, the world still lacks tools to effectively deal with this problem to maintain the openness of the Internet and create a borderless social application ecosystem. Global users cannot freely realize peer-to-peer communication, nor can they directly conduct commercial, trading, and financial activities. As a result, the data of all countries in the world is deposited in their own borders, is not ascertained, and does not circulate. This limits the realizable value of the data and leads to value silos.

However, with the invention and maturity of blockchain, self-trust and transboundary data and value transmission used in the development of blockchain become possible. The HashSpace team believes in a borderless social future and is working hard to build it. At the same time, this will allow existing industries to create new applications and business models. We hope that HashSpace will become an open access gateway to global basic data and an application platform open to all citizens on the planet. At present, the technical competition of the global public chains is relatively fierce, but blind pursue of technical performance is actually of little significance. What is more important is to accumulate data, active users, and value networks through application scenarios. The value of the public chain must ultimately be reflected in the application network. Free point-to-point communication is the prerequisite for all this. At present, there is no public chain in the world that has reached the positioning of an “application ecology”. HashSpace will integrate the global backbone network to form a global unified application ecology; and the development of global digital technology will move towards integration. HashSpace allows users to seamlessly distribute content. Data is distributed and securely stored in a blockchain-based medium to prevent the formation of information silos. At the same time, HashSpace is a community-driven project that fully considers the best interests of users during development. We follow three principles: 1. We believe that freedom of speech and censorship are not necessary. 2. We believe that the decentralization of power will be the future of the digital world. 3. We will use the best technology on the market.

The goal of HashSpace is not only to reduce social barriers across borders. A blockchain itself is a distributed database. A blockchain is jointly managed by the P2P network and jointly abides by the agreement for verifying new blocks. Distributed systems and tokens are revolutionary concepts on blockchain. It allows various types of DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) to create solutions to our current centralization problems. The core of the HashSpace ecosystem will form a global ecosystem in the form of a DAO. As a member of the HashSpace autonomous community, you will enjoy huge dividends of ecology development. A nebula is a celestial body composed of rare gas and dust. Since Nicholas-Claude discovered the Orion Nebula, mankind has never stopped exploring the universe. The Lagoon Nebula, the Carina Nebula, the Trifid Nebula, the Horsehead Nebula, the Dumbbell Nebula, the Crab Nebula, the Magellanic Clouds, the North American Nebula… A nebula presents perfect self-consistency and beauty. Why must the next nebula discovered by mankind be a nebula? HashSpace is committed to building a credible digital universe, starting from the smallest unit DUST, using the most efficient PoR mechanism, and efficiently cooperating with global institutions to jointly build the Global Nebula Celestial Alliance. HashSpace introduces a blockchain-based decentralized borderless social platform as the basis for the development of the entire ecosystem. The birth of HashSpace will have a profound impact and will affect a large number of companies and industries around the world. The combination of HashSpace’s borderless social concept and its team’s extensive experience in building blockchain and its community will create unlimited possibilities. Here, people can safely create and share data content, creating a social application ecology with blockchain genes.

The focus of the HashSpace ecosystem is to use a decentralized network to build a borderless social application ecosystem. Users around the world will be able to connect to servers located in the region where the desired content is located without restrictions, while establishing an encrypted connection. Our mission is to create a distributed, trustworthy, and sustainable decentralized network providing open access and ensuring the privacy of all Internet users. Excellent developers are vital to the success of HashSpace. Our platform will grow with developers to create value for our users. At the same time, developers will actively interact with the HashSpace technical community while ensuring the HashSpace technical route. The HashSpace public chain will be the world’s first borderless social backbone network with the following advantages:

• Based on the high-performance public chain (HS-Chain), the global data transmission network (HS-DDTN), HS high-performance computing (HS-HPC) and the full-chain wallet (HS-Wallet);

• Open Developer Platform (HS-OpenPlatform);

• An application platform that integrates global social interactions, refined creation of representative applications, and a bearer protocol that overcomes network barriers.

The HashSpace application ecosystem implements blockchain-based borderless social interactions and universal access to a trusted digital universe in a credible and provable manner. By allowing organizations and individuals around the world to build a cost-effective blockchain network, a scalable, distributed, and decentralized social network application solution will be implemented on the HashSpace blockchain.

The Internet has created intertwined global consciousness that can have a huge positive impact. However, the importance and power of the information dissemination capabilities of the Internet are being threatened. With the rapid growth of global mass Internet data, people today are increasingly dependent on the Internet. However, this growing trend of censorship violates users’ right to obtain information and has a negative impact on user privacy. The current state of the Internet is neither open nor secure. At HashSpace, we believe that the censorship system is neither ethical nor necessary; it hinders technological and social progress. Therefore, HashSpace acts as an open distributed peer-to-peer network and a peer-to-peer platform embedded with a sustainable incentive agreement that continues using the evolving censorship evasion mechanism. Once developed and released, the HashSpace technology will enable people all over the world to gain unlimited access to content, thereby eliminating censorship imposed by third parties.

Our goal is to become the leading social platform without borders in the market. But our vision does not stop there. We believe that HashSpace will become a standardized platform for the next generation of the Internet. We will not only use technological advantages to realize this vision, but also create the strongest marketing team from day one. HashSpace will always be an open platform, aiming to maximize the global expansion of HashSpace.

Participate, share, and harvest together.

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