Saturday, January 30, 2021 UTC

TrustBase: a Gift for Developers. Introduction

Review Ethan Carter

TrustBase is a Polkadot parachain based on the Substrate framework. It independently developed the Subscript smart contract language. In September 2020, Subscript by TrustBase passed the Web3 Foundation Grant certification and became a developer tool officially supported by Polkadot.

Designed as part of a broad vision of Web3 that returns control over internet monopolies to individuals, TrustBase builds on the revolutionary promise of Polkadot protocol while offering several fundamental advantages:

Low Technical Participation Threshold

The high threshold of blockchain development on Polkadot makes it difficult for a large group of traditional Web developers and Java engineers to enter the industry. The Rust language used by Polkadot has a difficult learning curve and the ink! contract currently lacks tools to support DApp development. There are no user-friendly tools or applications that can safely migrate existing EVM-based applications to the WASM-based Substrate blockchain.

TrustBase provides developers with a lightweight language that can easily deploy native Polkadot smart contracts. It is designed to build a new generation of high-performance WASM smart contract platforms on Polkadot.

Subscript is a contract language compatible with AssemblyScript. Later, TrustBase will also create an integrated development environment (IDE), standard templates, blockchain browsers, web front ends, etc. based on the contract language.

Friendly Development Environment

Similar to the Ethereum development environment Remix, Subscript Workbench has compilation tools needed in WASM development to synchronize code, create smart contracts, compile WASM, publish, and more.

The Subscript developer community is free and open to all traditional developers or groups who want to become developers. TrustBase has deployed a series of plug-ins to let Subscript interoperate with JavaScript, integrate into DApps efficiently, and support deployment and testing in js and IDE.

TrustBase Foundation initiated the Project Support Plan to provide on-chain vault support or technical support for special projects that can expand the TrustBase ecosystem and link to other parachains of Polkadot.


At the smart contract layer, TrustBase uses a high-performance virtual machine based on WASM (Web Assembly). WASM is a new-generation code format that can be run directly in browsers. Compared with the EVM used by Ethereum, WASM can run at a speed close to the native speed while providing a more flexible contract interface.

Shared Cross-Chain Interoperability

Any smart contract application on the TrustBase platform can communicate with other Polkadot parachains through the XCMP protocol. For instance, a DeFi contract deployed on TrustBase can use the aUSD stablecoin on the Acala parachain through XCMP cross-chain messages without getting a parachain slot at the auction.

Hybrid Consensus Mechanism

The GRANDPA algorithm provides final certainty for blocks and realizes Proof-of-Certainty. In the GRANDPA protocol, all TrustBase validators vote for a sufficient number of chains with the highest number of votes through signature voting.

TrustBase adopted the PoA (Proof-of-Authority) consensus mechanism at the CC1 testnet stage. After ensuring the sufficient number of verification nodes, at the CC2 testnet stage, TrustBase Foundation will switch to PoS (Proof-of-Stake).

Low Deployment and Gas Cost, No Need to Bid for Parachain Slots

The Substrate framework modularizes the basic low-layer design of blockchain, allowing developers to call it with one click but keeping the original high workload.

Compared with building a parachain, developing smart contract applications on TrustBase saves the huge cost of bidding for Polkadot's official slots. One only needs a small amount of TrustBase tokens to pay for Gas to deploy complex smart contracts on the TrustBase platform.

Gas consumption during the smart contract execution is calculated in TrustBase tokens (TBE).

Using TBE, a holder can:

● become a nominator, normal verification node, or super verification node and get block rewards
● become a member of the National Assembly and benefit from governance
● participate in the decision-making process related to code upgrades or on-chain governance changes

You can learn more about TBE use cases in the TrustBase white paper.

TrustBase Use Cases:

● Programming Tools: developers can design their own products, such as new debuggers, project editors, or multi-page windows

● Native Smart Contract: deployment of native Polkadot smart contracts, free communication with other parachains

● DApp Development: media, games, charity, airdrop, copyright, wallet, music — you can develop any DApp you want

● DeFi Ecology: lending, DEX, derivatives, payments, assets, insurance, various stablecoin protocols

● DAO: manage a DAO you want to initiate in the form of a smart contract, including the trendy NFT DAO

● Oracle: like ChainLink, TrustBase sends its own network requests to the outside world through blockchain

Project Development Plan:

Feb 2021: completion of the CC1 TrustBase testnet

Mar 2021: CC2 TrustBase testnet launch

Apr 2021: access to the Polkadot relaychain, participation in the parachain slot auction

through DOT crowdfunding, cross-chain interoperability for contracts

May 2021: ecology expansion, implementation of TrustBase application scenarios

Oct 2021: Layer 2 expansion for higher network throughput

Dec 2021: building of a cross-chain bridge linking Ethereum, Bitcoin, and other public chains

Jan 2022: sharding in contract parachains, real network expansion, and support of Web3.0 application platform development

TrustBase Community

Telegram Channel
Telegram Chat
Germany Telegram Channel
Germany Telegram Chat

2017-2025 Coindar