Universe MaNEKOArmy! +2000 Characters ArtNFT +GameFi. Coming Soon!
MaNEKO Finance | maneko.finance is preparing an inclusive collection of NFT+2000 MaNEKO Army characters for the future GameFi Universe.
A group of talented artists are working on the creation of MaNEKO Army characters, whose works have already become commercially successful on Opensea.io (NFT Marketplace) “. The basis for the future collection was the friendly cat Maneki-Neko. Maneki-Neko (招き猫, lit. ‘beckoning cat’)- a friendly cat with a raised paw is a symbol of good luck and prosperity in Asian culture.
NFT MaNEKO Army characters are unique cats and cats with their own unique identity and endowed with their own abilities. MaNEKO Army consists of 2 collections of female and male characters. Each MaNEKO Army character is a unique work of the artist, endowing the character with its own unique external features and character. The total number of characters of 2 NFT collections of MaNEKO Army will be more than 2000 cards.
The characters of the Collection are the characters of the future GameFi universe MaNEKO Army. All details will be provided in the near future
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