![Bitget Token](/images/coins/bitget-token/64x64.png)
Bitget Token (BGB) Calendar: Release Schedule, Listings, Hard Fork, Halving
P2P Trade Contest
Bitget Token is offering exclusive rewards for new P2P users. The opportunity to share 100,000 BGB is available.
P2P Trade Contest
Bitget Token is set to host P2P trade contest to distribute a total of 100,000 BGB as exclusive rewards.
Spot Margin Trading Competition Ends
Bitget Token is hosting a spot margin trading competition. The competition is open to new users who can receive 100 USDT in airdrops.
P2P Trade Contest
Bitget Token is set to distribute 100,000 BGB as part of an exclusive reward program for new P2P users.
Hackathon Ends
Bitget is organizing a Blockchain4Youth hackathon challenge. The event is set to start on the 12th of August and will run until the 18th of September.
Futures Copy Trading Competition
Bitget Token is hosting a futures copy trading competition from September 1st to September 15th.
Bitget Wealth Management Launch
Bitget Token is set to launch its new product, Bitget wealth management, on September 13th at 6 AM UTC.
EmpowerX Bitget Summit in Singapore
Bitget is going to organize EmpowerX Summit in Singapore during its 5th anniversary. The event will take place on September 12th.
P2P Trade Contest
Bitget is hosting a P2P trade contest. The event will start on August 29th at 10 AM UTC and will finish on September 3rd at 10 AM UTC.
KYC Verification Requirements Update
Starting from September 1st, 12:00 AM (UTC+8), all newly signed-up users must complete level 1 KYC verification to access various services on Bitget, including, but not limited to, the deposit and trading of digital assets.
Giveaway Ends
Bitget is hosting a Reddit talk campaign, where users are encouraged to share their trading experiences or stories on the Bitget subreddit.
AMA on Telegram
Bitget is set to host an AMA on Telegram on trading bots and bot copy trading. The event is scheduled to take place on August 31st at 10:00 UTC.