Decred (DCR) Feed: Events, News & Roadmap

Decred to Release Decred v.2.0.4
Decred has released a new version of its software, v.2.0.4. This update brings several improvements and enhancements.
DCR to Be Delisted From EXMO
EXMO will delist DCR from the platform. Users need to withdraw or exchange these assets for other cryptos before 20th July.
Decred v.1.8.0 Release
Decred v.1.8.0 "The Forkening" has been released.
March Report
March report has been released.
Decred v.1.7.7 Update
Decred v1.7.7 is out with plenty of fixes, and the long awaited release of DCRDEX v0.6 is now included in Decrediton.
August Report
July Report
May Report
Hard Fork
Hard Fork
Listing on Bitfinex
Listing on WazirX
Ledger v. 2.29.0 Release
New Treasury System
February Report
AMA on Gate.io Telegram
New DCR/USDT Trading Pair on Binance
New DCR/BUSD Trading Pair on Binance
Delisting DCR/BNB Trading Pair From Binance
Listing on ProBit Exchange
Decred Events on the Chart
What is Decred?
Decred is a cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology with an emphasis on open governance with community participation and sustainable development.
Decred uses a hybrid mining system based on Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) protocols to ensure that a small group of miners cannot dominate the transaction flow or make changes to Decred without community involvement .
Decred's governance system is similar to other modern cryptocurrencies. DCR holders can use these tokens to vote on network development.