Klaytn (KLAY) Feed: Events, News & Roadmap

Klaytn to Hold Klaymakers2022 Hackathon
Klaytn, in collaboration with DoraHacks, is organizing its flagship hackathon, Klaymakers2022. The event will feature a prize pool worth US$1 million.
Klaytn to Host in Klaytn Square Lounge 2023 in Seoul
Klaytn is organizing the Klaytn Square Lounge 2023. The event is set to take place from September 4 to September 6 in South Korea.
Klaytn to Host Meetup in Singapore on August 23rd
Klaytn will host a DeFi-focused panel discussion. The panel will feature representatives from Matrixport, DeFiSingapore, and MochaVentures.
Klaytn to Host Community Call on Discord on July 27th
Klaytn will hold its monthly community call meeting on Discord. The event will be held on the 27th of July at 12:00 PM UTC.
Klaytn to Hold Meetup in Singapore
Klaytn has announced an upcoming meetup in Singapore.
Singapore Meetup
Klaytn will host the IRL meetup in Singapore on 22nd of June.
Kaikas Integration
Integration of Klaytn Name Service (KNS) and Swapscanner for token swapping within Kaikas.
Web3 Gaming Week in Singapore
Take a part at Web3 Gaming Week in Singapore.
Klaytn will host a giveaway in collaboration with Zealy.
Community Call
Klaytn will hold the next community call on June 28th.
Singapore Meetup
Next meetup will take place in June.
Live Stream on YouTube
Join to live stream on YouTube.
AMA on Twitter
Join to an AMA on Twitter.
Community Call
Community call will take place in May.
Singapore Meetup
Join to the first meetup in HQ.
Community Call
Join to community call.
AMA on BTSE Twitter
Join to an AMA on Twitter.
Tokenomics Structure Proposal
On 22 Feb (Wed), they will propose a new tokenomics structure to the GC through the Governance Forum.
On 27 Feb (Mon), Klaytn's 2023 roadmap will be released.
Hard Fork
Kore hardfork block number & estimated date – Baobab: 111,736,800 block height (estimated time: 10 Jan, 10:00 AM UTC+9) – Cypress: March 2023, to be announced with the next release (v1.10.x).