Lambda (LAMB) Feed: Events, News & Roadmap

Lambda to Launch AI Agents in Q1
Lambda will launch AI Agents as operational entities for AI-driven task execution in the first quarter.
Lambda to Implement Network Upgrade in December
Lambda will implement a network upgrade in December aimed at enhancing performance and scalability.
Lambda to Discontinue Mainnet on June 24th
Lambda is discontinuing its original mainnet on June 24th.
Lambda to Launch New Token on May 6th
Lambda is set to launch its new token, LAMBDA, and the Ethereum Layer 2 network, Lambda Chain, on May 6th. The network is based on OP Stack.
Community Call
Join to community meetup.
AMA on Zoom
Join to an AMA on Zoom.
Network Upgrade
Join AMA with HistoryDAO.
Partnership With HistoryDAO
Partnership announcement with HistoryDAO.
Mainnet Launch
Lambda Network the Renaissance mainnet will be officially launched at October 10, 2022 12:00 UTC.
Airdrop for Holders to Claim: Oct 15 6:00 UTC.