OpenLeverage (OLE) Feed: Events, News & Roadmap

Open Leverage holds system maintenance from 10 am to 11 am UTC on 20th of June.
OpenLeverage holds a giveaway starting from 15th of June till 20th.
Community Call
Join to community call.
AMA on Discord
Join to an AMA on Discord.
AMA on Sushi Swap Twitter
Join to an AMA on Twitter.
Claim Rewards
Please remember to claim before the deadline on May 4 at 10:00 UTC.
Spread the Word Campaign
250k OLE giveaway.
Community Call
Join to community call.
AMA on Discord
Join to an AMA on Discord.
Net Buying Competition on KuCoin
Take a part in a competition.
Launch on Arbitrum
Open Leverage is now officially listed on Arbitrum.
AMA on Binance Live
Join to live stream on Binance Live.
AMA on Discord
Join to an AMA on Discord.
AMA on Twitter
Join to an AMA on Twitter.
AMA on Discord
AMA will be held on Discord.
AMA on Discord
Join to an AMA on Discord.
AMA on Discord
AMA will be held on Discord.
AMA on Discord
AMA will be held on Discord.
AMA on Discord
Join tomorrow on Discord.
AMA on Discord
Join for a live session on Discord.