Polka City (POLC) Feed: Events, News & Roadmap

Polka City to Host Poker Tournament on January 24th
Polka City has announced an exclusive poker tournament series scheduled for January 24th in Las Vegas.
Polka City to Drop VIP Poker NFT for Casino NFT Holders in December
Polka City has announced a special perk for its Casino NFT holders.
Polka City to Launch Website on October 4th
Polka City is preparing for the launch of a new website. The target date for this launch is set for October 4th.
Token Burn
Polka City has announced its plans to burn millions of POLC from the bridge custody vault in the near future.
AMA on Telegram
Polka City’s CEO will be hosting an AMA on July 21st at 16:00 UTC.
AMA on Twitter
Join to an AMA on Twitter.
AMA on Twitch
Please join us for an important Polkacity AMA this Wednesday with, POLCDev & CryptoForland at 12PM PST, 3PM EST, 7PM UTC.