Polkadot (DOT) Calendar: Release Schedule, Listings, Hard Fork, Halving

XCM v.5.0
Upgrade of the cross-chain messaging protocol (XCM) to version 5, ensuring more efficient chain-to-chain communication and enhancing interoperability within the ecosystem.
Unified Address Format
Introduction of a unified address format to simplify interactions with the Polkadot network and all Rollup solutions. This will improve user convenience.
PVM Launch
Polkadot will introduce a lightweight, RISC-V-based virtual machine (Polkadot Virtual Machine) to enable fast, secure, and scalable smart contracts.
Elastic Scaling
Implementation of scaling through the use of multiple cores, allowing Polkadot to handle increased on-chain demand.
Smart Contracts Update
Polkadot plans to upgrade its Asset Hub to include EVM compatibility and support Solidity-based smart contracts.
Consensus HK in Hong Kong, China
Polkadot will participate in the upcoming Consensus HK conference in Hong Kong on February 19-20. Polkadot aims to showcase its latest roadmap.
Hong Kong Meetup, China
Polkadot will hold an event on February 17th in Hong Kong, focusing on the developments of Polkadot 2.0 and projections for 2025.
Ambassador Fellowship Applications Deadline
Polkadot has announced the availability of its Ambassador Fellowship program, with applications closing on December 20th.
Phragmèn Initiative Fund Application Deadline
Polkadot has announced that the deadline for applications to the Phragmèn Initiative Fund is December 13th.
Sub0 in Bangkok
Polkadot is set to host its first and only substrate developer conference, sub0, in Bangkok from November 9th to November 11th.
Nova & Mercuryo Debit Cards Launch
Polkadot has announced that Anton Khvorov, CEO of Novasama Technologies and Nova Wallet, will launch a new product in the Polkadot ecosystem.