Firo Firo FIRO
Show Coin Info
1.32 USD
% Change
Market Cap
19.4M USD
879K USD
Circulating Supply
372% from all time low
10489% to all time high
16778% from all time low
2597% to all time high
69% are in circulation
Circulating Supply
Max Supply

Firo Feed: Events, News & Roadmap

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What is Firo?

Firo, formerly known as Zcoin, is a cryptocurrency platform that focuses on providing privacy and anonymity for its users. Based on the Zerocoin protocol, Firo utilizes advanced cryptographic technology to ensure transactions are untraceable and account balance information remains hidden.

One of the key components of Firo is the Lelantus protocol, which is designed to enhance privacy and scalability comparable to the Zerocoin protocol. Lelantus conceals the owner and transaction amount information while still allowing verification of its validity without revealing private details.

Firo also employs a masternode system, allowing network participants to earn passive income by providing services to the network. Masternodes perform important functions such as instant transactions and ensuring anonymity.

In addition to privacy, Firo also ensures decentralization of monetary policy. It utilizes the Proof-of-Work (PoW) algorithm, which guarantees equal opportunities for all miners and prevents network monopolization.

2017-2025 Coindar