BSV Blockchain Launches Blockchain2 Community Group Within W3C
BSV Blockchain has launched the Blockchain2 Community Group under the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This group aims to integrate blockchain technology into internet standards to improve security, privacy, and efficiency in web applications. Led by BSV Blockchain representatives Ty Everett, Brayden Langley, Darren Kellenschwiller, Thomas Giacomo, and Jake Jones, the initiative will focus on developing blockchain-based solutions aligned with W3C’s vision for an open and secure web.
The Blockchain2 Community Group marks the consortium’s renewed engagement with blockchain, following an earlier group that ceased operations in 2017. The new group will first outline value propositions for blockchain within the web ecosystem and establish requirements for blockchain-based applications. It will then collaborate with other W3C working groups to align innovations with privacy and accessibility standards.
Participation in the group is open to all developers, blockchain experts, and enthusiasts, regardless of W3C membership. This initiative offers a community-driven approach to shaping the web’s future.
Join the W3C blockchain community group: https://www.w3.org/community/bc2/?utm_campaign=BSV%20Partnerships%2FSponsorships&utm_content=311863328&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&hss_channel=tw-31803295