Celer Network CELR: Liquidity Backing Alpha Testnet
cEconomy Launch Plan Phase 1 Liquidity Backing Instructions:
1. Registering for Phase 1 Liquidity Backing:
- Dec. 11 — Dec. 18: Starting this week, we sincerely invite you to register and join our EXCLUSIVE and INVITE-ONLY launch plan.
- Dec. 19: All selected testers will receive an email from Celer Network including the testing link, user manual. Testers will also receive Ropsten test tokens.
2. Joining the private tester Telegram group:
- You will receive the group invite link in your email.
- Must join! All auctions will be announced in Telegram group.
3. Dec. 19 — Jan. 19, participating in auctions and lend money to collect interests.
4. Dec. 19 — Jan. 19, staking and locking tokens in the network to receive CELR token rewards.
5. Jan. 22: Announce winners!