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Crypto Market: DeFi Global Summit

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Decentralized Finance Global Summit 2020 is a four-day online conference with 45+ global experts sharing their knowledge about the future of the fast growing decentralized finance industry. The Summit will be held from 13 till 16 of October, 2020.

Our webpage: 

DeFi Global Summit is an excellent chance to connect, learn and network with some of the brightest people in the decentralized finance market. Through various formats we will create the most personal networking experience you can get online.

The next world-class speakers will attend the event: entrepreneurs, investors, traders, academics, economists, regulators and marketers.

The themes of the conference will be on the following topics: DeFi, DAO, venture capital, market-making, 2020 projects, global tokenization, real estate asset tokenization, yield farming.

Conference Emcees: Sergey Sevantsyan, Catherine Ross, Max Sky

Conference speakers:
• Felix Mago, Dash NEXT Co-Founder
• Tone Vays, Content Creator, Derivatives Trader & Consultant
• Miko Matsumura, founder of crypto exchange Evercoin, General Partner with Gumi Cryptos Capital, is a Venture Partner with BitBull Capital
• Henri Arslanyan,  PwC FinTech & Crypto Leader for Asia, the Chairman of the FinTech Association of Hong Kong and an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong 
• Kyle Chasse, CEO of Master Ventures, founder of cryptocurrency & blockchain industry
• Giacomo Zucco, Founder and CEO of BHBnetwork
• Gordon Einstein, Founding Partner at CryptoLaw Partner, hybrid Crypto-Attorney, Technologist, and Enterprise Strategist
• Raghav Jerath, founder & CEO Gather Network
• Vít Jedlička, politician and activist, the President of the micronation Free Republic of Liberland
• Neil Callard, Global Managing Director of  Drop Smart Copy Trade
• Jorge Sebastiao, seasoned ICT Expert in areas of Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, CTO Advisor, Speaker CISSP
• Mru Patel -  Investor, Best Selling Author, CEO Sapian Group, COO Flashgroup
• Cynthia WU, Head of Business Development & Sales, Head of Custody Matrixport
• Shawn Lau, Head of Russia & CIS at HBTC. Member of the Board of Directors of ABCC Exchange
• Jordan Lyall, Product Lead (DeFi) at ConsenSys
• Yemu Xu, Co founder of ARPA, Bella Protocol
• Arutyun Nazaryan, founder of Bistox Exchange and Morningstar Solutions LLC
• Felix Xu, Co founder & CEO of ARPA, Bella Protocol
• Denis Vasin, СТО in EasyChain and Projects Development Lead in Waves Enterprise
• Jean Miao, MCDEX Co-Founder
• Mike Fluff, CTO, distributed systems architect, information security expert, and other.

The general partner of the conference is PONS. Special partners are the blockchain consulting company Colibri Group & cryptocurrency calendar №1 in the world The acclaimed DeFi project  - Bella Protocol, which has raised $4 million in seed funding. 
Diamond partner is Testa.

The principal partners of the DeFi Global Summit 2020 are Neironix, Coinsbit, Best Invest Blogs,, Hotbit, HBTC, Algorand, and Gather. 

Media partners:
The general media partner of the conference is Forklog.

Bitcoin Cloud Mining center
Bits media
Coin Codex
Crypto Totem and more.

The first 2 days of the Summit will be fully in English.
The official language of the 3rd and 4th days will be Russian

First day of the conference is open for all the registered participants. The participation in the second and following days will be available to the “All-access pass" package participants only; also they will be invited into a closed group for the networking after-party. 

Conference organizer is DAO Consensus - a decentralized global business community where each member gets a share from the entire network profits. DAO is based on smart-contracts where each transaction is transparent and each member can influence community decisions by voting.

All the participants get into the DAO Consensus intranet portal upon the registration. You can find the listing of participants there and communicate with anyone you need. Also, you can become a member of DAO Consensus.

The co-organizer of the DeFi Global Summit 2020 is Gooooup.

Event date: October 13 to 16, 2020 UTC
The event is about to begin
Added by Yan
Sep 10 14:28 (UTC)
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