Fetch.ai FET: Mainnet Alpha Launch
Summer brings some very important new developments, the biggest of which is the integration of our unique consensus mechanism. This, coupled with useful proof-of-work and our decentralised ledger computing platform (which we call “synergetic computing“) means that the end of June will be the first time that all of the major Fetch.AI components are together roughly as they are intended on being. We are referring to this as our Consensus and Synergetic Computing milestone. This sets us up for the end of July where we have our Alpha release. Alpha is where we effectively have a main-net, but we might have more bugs than an insect house and and have popped some new strings on the guitar but not yet tuned them: it’s complete, but some of the functionality detail may be yet to arrive. It is this Alpha release where we start to rapidly increase our efforts on security, stability and performance tuning with the help of our community.