Nebulas NAS: Trading Competition on Binance
To celebrate the official launch of Nebulas NOVA 2.0, we have, together with Nebulas team committed a total of 50,000 NAS in prizes to give away to our users worldwide.
Balance Holding Competition: 20,000 NAS to Win!
Users holding at least 1,000 NAS in their Binance accounts at 0:00 AM on April 24thwill have a chance to receive NAS as per the reward calculation below.
Reward Calculation:
Reward for each user = (Each user’s total NAS balance/Total NAS balances from all users where NAS holding is greater than 1,000 NAS ) × 20,000 NAS
Trading Competition: 30,000 NAS to Win!
The top 50 traders will share a pool of 30,000 NAS based on the proportion of their NAS trading volume against the total trading volume of the top 50 traders during the competition period. This includes buys and sells across any NAS trading pairs.
Reward Calculation:
Rewards for each user in the top 50 = (Each user’s total trading volume / Top 50 users’ total trading volume) × 30,000 NAS