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Shadow Token to Finish Testnet v.2.0 in April
Shadow Token will finish testnet v.2.0 in mid-April. After this all SHDW bought via shdwBONKbot fees will be locked away until the mainnet launch of shdwDrive v.2.0. At that time, they will be added to the shdwOperator mainnet emissions pool. This process will slow down the overall token velocity of SHDW.
Event date: April 2024 UTC
A huge thank you to the BONKbot team for their support of $SHDW Drive v2’s Testnet2!
We very much appreciate being included in the efforts to support the #Solana ecosystem! So how does this help support testnet2?
User fees generated by BONKbot’s shdwBONKbot will be used to purchase $SHDW in the open market.
These SHDW purchase will be used to expand the rewards pool for those participating as shdwOperator’s in testnet2.
After testnet2 ends in mid-April, all SHDW bought via shdwBONKbot fees will be locked away until shdwDrive v2’s mainnet launch, at which time they will be added to the shdwOperator mainnet emissions pool.
Check out if you’re fuzzy on the specifics of how rewards will work when v2 hits mainnet.
TL;DR - shdwBONKbot fees will automatically buy SHDW and lock it up, thereby slowing SHDW's overall token velocity.
Here's the link to shdwBONKbot:
If you're a BONKbot user please help support testnet2 by using shdwBONKbot and/or onboarding new shdwBONKbot users as well!
We very much appreciate being included in the efforts to support the #Solana ecosystem! So how does this help support testnet2?
User fees generated by BONKbot’s shdwBONKbot will be used to purchase $SHDW in the open market.
These SHDW purchase will be used to expand the rewards pool for those participating as shdwOperator’s in testnet2.
After testnet2 ends in mid-April, all SHDW bought via shdwBONKbot fees will be locked away until shdwDrive v2’s mainnet launch, at which time they will be added to the shdwOperator mainnet emissions pool.
Check out if you’re fuzzy on the specifics of how rewards will work when v2 hits mainnet.
TL;DR - shdwBONKbot fees will automatically buy SHDW and lock it up, thereby slowing SHDW's overall token velocity.
Here's the link to shdwBONKbot:
If you're a BONKbot user please help support testnet2 by using shdwBONKbot and/or onboarding new shdwBONKbot users as well!
The event is about to begin
Feb 7 00:11 (UTC)