Waltonchain WTC: Token Swap
Since its listing on one of the world’s major cryptocurrency exchanges Binance in August 2017, Waltoncoin has entered 36 cryptocurrency exchanges globally.
Currently, the $WTC token on all cryptocurrency exchanges is ERC20 WTC which is not compatible with the current Waltonchain Mainnet Wallets (Windows/Linux/macOS/Android/iOS). Please DO NOT transfer your ERC20 $WTC tokens to Waltonchain Wallets before Mainnet Token Swap (expected to start in April). If you happened to transfer ERC20 WTC to a Waltonchain Wallet, please follow the below link to retrieve your tokens.
What is a coin swap (token swap)?
A coin swap is a process of cryptocurrency migration from one blockchain to another. It may be due to a hard fork (coin swap) or a mainnet launch (token swap). Holders need to follow swap guides in order not to lose their cryptocurrency.