yfv.finance YFV: Gate.io.io Supports Swapping YFV to VALUE
According to Value DeFi Protocol (previously known as yfv.finance), VALUE, version 2 of YFV, was created and YFV to be swapped to Value at the ratio of 1:1. VALUE will ultimately become the main governance token of Value DeFi Protocol. According to the current proposal, VFV total supply is 4 million and the VALUE total supply is 3 million. The supply will be finally decided by community voting.
VALUE token contract: 0x49E833337ECe7aFE375e44F4E3e8481029218E5c
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Gate.io will suspend YFV deposit, withdrawal, and trading on October 14th, at 4:00 AM UTC and swap YFV to Value for our users at the ratio of 1:1. After that, Gate.io will reopen VALUE deposit, withdrawal, and trading. If your YFV coins are at Gate.io, you do not have to anything in particular; if you wish to swap at Gate.io, you may deposit your YFV to Gate.io before 4:00 AM UTC, October 14th
Deposit YFV
Trade YFV
What is a coin swap (token swap)?
A coin swap is a process of cryptocurrency migration from one blockchain to another. It may be due to a hard fork (coin swap) or a mainnet launch (token swap). Holders need to follow swap guides in order not to lose their cryptocurrency.