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Kamino KMNO: Utilization Caps Removed
Kamino eliminará los límites de utilización de su producto SOL Multiply el 6 de enero, lo que eliminará las limitaciones de préstamos anteriores. Los límites se introdujeron inicialmente para evitar que el rendimiento porcentual anual (APY) de los préstamos SOL excediera los APY de los tokens de staking de Liquid Staking (LST), lo que garantiza un entorno de préstamos predecible para los usuarios.
Fecha del evento: 6 de enero de 2025 UTC
1/ On Monday, January 6th, the SOL Utilization Cap will be removed in Kamino's Main Market
This will introduce a free market environment for SOL supplies and borrows to find a natural equilibrium, and can ultimately lead to greater SOL inflows for the protocol
More info below⤵️
This will introduce a free market environment for SOL supplies and borrows to find a natural equilibrium, and can ultimately lead to greater SOL inflows for the protocol
More info below⤵️
2/ With ~3.3M SOL supplied into Kamino, the protocol plays a key part in the economy of Solana
Kamino's SOL growth has largely been fuelled by the Multiply product, through which over $600M SOL is borrowed at the time of writing
However, to create a predictable borrowing environment for SOL Multiply users, Kamino introduced Utilization Caps that would limit borrowing beyond a certain utilization rate—thus preventing the SOL borrow APY from exceeding LST staking APYs
Tomorrow, these caps will be removed.
Here's why:
Kamino's SOL growth has largely been fuelled by the Multiply product, through which over $600M SOL is borrowed at the time of writing
However, to create a predictable borrowing environment for SOL Multiply users, Kamino introduced Utilization Caps that would limit borrowing beyond a certain utilization rate—thus preventing the SOL borrow APY from exceeding LST staking APYs
Tomorrow, these caps will be removed.
Here's why:
El precio de KMNO cambia después de la publicación del evento
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6 ene. 22:31 (UTC)