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Kamino KMNO: Utilization Caps Removed
Kamino removerá os limites de utilização em seu produto SOL Multiply em 6 de janeiro, levantando as limitações de empréstimo anteriores. Os limites foram introduzidos inicialmente para evitar que o Rendimento Percentual Anual (APY) do empréstimo SOL excedesse os APYs de staking do Liquid Staking Token (LST), garantindo um ambiente de empréstimo previsível para os usuários.
Data do evento: 6 de janeiro de 2025 UTC
1/ On Monday, January 6th, the SOL Utilization Cap will be removed in Kamino's Main Market
This will introduce a free market environment for SOL supplies and borrows to find a natural equilibrium, and can ultimately lead to greater SOL inflows for the protocol
More info below⤵️
This will introduce a free market environment for SOL supplies and borrows to find a natural equilibrium, and can ultimately lead to greater SOL inflows for the protocol
More info below⤵️
2/ With ~3.3M SOL supplied into Kamino, the protocol plays a key part in the economy of Solana
Kamino's SOL growth has largely been fuelled by the Multiply product, through which over $600M SOL is borrowed at the time of writing
However, to create a predictable borrowing environment for SOL Multiply users, Kamino introduced Utilization Caps that would limit borrowing beyond a certain utilization rate—thus preventing the SOL borrow APY from exceeding LST staking APYs
Tomorrow, these caps will be removed.
Here's why:
Kamino's SOL growth has largely been fuelled by the Multiply product, through which over $600M SOL is borrowed at the time of writing
However, to create a predictable borrowing environment for SOL Multiply users, Kamino introduced Utilization Caps that would limit borrowing beyond a certain utilization rate—thus preventing the SOL borrow APY from exceeding LST staking APYs
Tomorrow, these caps will be removed.
Here's why:
KMNO alterações de preço após a publicação do evento
Agora (Adicionado 1 mês atrás)
O evento está prestes a começar
6 jan 22:31 (UTC)