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Across Protocol ACX: Klaster Protocol과의 파트너십
어크로스 프로토콜(Across Protocol)이 클라스터 프로토콜(Klaster Protocol)과 파트너십을 발표했습니다. Klaster 프로토콜은 프런트엔드 개발자가 단일 서명으로 여러 체인에 걸쳐 일련의 트랜잭션을 실행할 수 있도록 하는 플랫폼입니다. 이 파트너십은 다중 롤업의 복잡한 경제에서 효율성을 향상시키는 것을 목표로 합니다.
이밴트: 2024년 7월 11일 UTC
We're excited to announce our partnership with Klaster Protocol 📢
Klaster Protocol empowers frontend developers to execute a string of transactions across multiple chains with a single signature.
Across' intents-based framework offers the best execution for cross-chain value transfer. Across+ helps dapps onboard users and capital by bundling bridging with protocol transactions.
Together, we are creating new possibilities to improve efficiency in a complex economy of multiple rollups 💫
Klaster's innovative multichain solution combined with Across' superior cross-chain settlement is true innovation in chain abstraction and interoperability!
Klaster Protocol empowers frontend developers to execute a string of transactions across multiple chains with a single signature.
Across' intents-based framework offers the best execution for cross-chain value transfer. Across+ helps dapps onboard users and capital by bundling bridging with protocol transactions.
Together, we are creating new possibilities to improve efficiency in a complex economy of multiple rollups 💫
Klaster's innovative multichain solution combined with Across' superior cross-chain settlement is true innovation in chain abstraction and interoperability!
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11 7 18:04 (UTC)