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Bitkub Coin KUB: Gas Fee Change Completes
Bitkub Coin은 일반 사용자, 프로젝트 개발자, 검증인 및 위임자를 포함한 모든 참가자의 균형 잡힌 기여를 보장하기 위해 생태계를 조정하고 있습니다. 이는 미래 디지털 경제 시스템의 기반 인프라가 되겠다는 목표의 일부입니다.
조정 중 하나에는 가스 요금을 5 Gwei에서 25 Gwei로 인상하는 것이 포함되어 있으며 이는 2023년 10월 16일까지 완료될 예정입니다. Bitkub Coin은 상당수의 국내외 사용자를 수용할 수 있도록 생태계를 면밀히 모니터링하고 강화하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 가까운 미래에.
이밴트: 2023년 10월 16일 UTC
Bitkub Chain
💚 Bitkub Chain will adjust the balance among participants in the Bitkub Chain ecosystem, including regular users, project developers, validators, and delegators to ensure that everyone can contribute to the development of Bitkub Chain towards our goal of becoming the foundational infrastructure of the digital economy system in the future. Bitkub Chain team will adjust Gas Fee as follows:
💚 Adjust Gas Fee from 5 Gwei to 25 Gwei, of which such operation shall be completed by October 16, 2023.
💚 Bitkub Chain team would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone involved in our ecosystem for your continuous support and trust in Bitkub Chain. We will closely monitor and strengthen our ecosystem to accommodate a significant number of users from both domestic and international users in the near future.
#MOVEFORWARDwithBITKUBCHAIN #BKC #BitkubChain #ThaiBlockchain #KUBGlobal #PoweredbyBitkubBlockchainTechnology
💚 Adjust Gas Fee from 5 Gwei to 25 Gwei, of which such operation shall be completed by October 16, 2023.
💚 Bitkub Chain team would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone involved in our ecosystem for your continuous support and trust in Bitkub Chain. We will closely monitor and strengthen our ecosystem to accommodate a significant number of users from both domestic and international users in the near future.
#MOVEFORWARDwithBITKUBCHAIN #BKC #BitkubChain #ThaiBlockchain #KUBGlobal #PoweredbyBitkubBlockchainTechnology
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