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DeepBrain Chain DBC: 시스템 업그레이드
DeepBrain Chain은 시스템 업그레이드를 진행하고 있습니다. 시스템의 새 버전은 Polka Substrate v.0.9.37을 기반으로 하며 곧 출시될 온체인 기능의 새 버전을 지원합니다. 업그레이드 후에는 이전 버전의 POS 블록 생성 노드가 더 이상 지원되지 않습니다. 노드가 블록을 생성하고 DBC 수익을 창출하지 못하는 것을 방지하려면 다음 주 내에 업그레이드를 완료해야 합니다.
새 버전에는 저장 값을 사용한 효율적인 데이터 처리를 위한 새로운 기능, 안전한 산술 연산, 비활성 자금 추적 개선, 더 나은 블록 추적 및 쿼리를 위한 새로운 RPC API 방법, 여러 가지 런타임 개선 사항을 포함하여 몇 가지 중요한 기능과 개선 사항이 도입되었습니다. XCM 버전 3의 브리징, 크로스 체인 잠금, NFT, 조건 및 컨텍스트 추적과 같은 새로운 기능입니다.
이밴트: 30 1에서 6 2 2024까지 UTC
The new version of the DBC POS block-producing node is being upgraded. Please complete the upgrade within the next week!
The DBC underlying system is being upgraded. The new system version is developed based on Polka Substrate v0.9.37 and supports the upcoming new version of on-chain features. Moreover, the new chain version, after the upgrade, will no longer support the old version of the POS block-producing node. Please complete the upgrade within the next week, otherwise, it will lead to the node being unable to produce blocks and generate DBC income.
The new version introduces several important features and improvements:
1. StorageStreamIter: A new feature that makes data processing with storage values more efficient.
2. Ensure-ops series methods: These methods provide safe arithmetic operations, exposed through traits, and can be used for pallet Config types.
3. Inactive funds tracking improvement: Improvements in tracking inactive funds, including migration logic to ensure correct tracking of inactive issuance.
4. Implementation of chainHead RPC API: A new RPC API method for better tracking and querying of blocks.
5. Runtime improvements: Includes several low-impact improvements and medium-priority changes, such as deploying scheduler agenda cleanup migration and optional runtime upgrade checks.
6. XCM version 3: This version allows new features such as bridging, cross-chain locking, NFTs, conditions, and context tracking.
Upgrade reference document:
[DBC Chain Upgrade Documentation](https://deepbrainchain.github.io/DBC-Wiki/staking-model/dbc-chain-upgrade.html)
The DBC underlying system is being upgraded. The new system version is developed based on Polka Substrate v0.9.37 and supports the upcoming new version of on-chain features. Moreover, the new chain version, after the upgrade, will no longer support the old version of the POS block-producing node. Please complete the upgrade within the next week, otherwise, it will lead to the node being unable to produce blocks and generate DBC income.
The new version introduces several important features and improvements:
1. StorageStreamIter: A new feature that makes data processing with storage values more efficient.
2. Ensure-ops series methods: These methods provide safe arithmetic operations, exposed through traits, and can be used for pallet Config types.
3. Inactive funds tracking improvement: Improvements in tracking inactive funds, including migration logic to ensure correct tracking of inactive issuance.
4. Implementation of chainHead RPC API: A new RPC API method for better tracking and querying of blocks.
5. Runtime improvements: Includes several low-impact improvements and medium-priority changes, such as deploying scheduler agenda cleanup migration and optional runtime upgrade checks.
6. XCM version 3: This version allows new features such as bridging, cross-chain locking, NFTs, conditions, and context tracking.
Upgrade reference document:
[DBC Chain Upgrade Documentation](https://deepbrainchain.github.io/DBC-Wiki/staking-model/dbc-chain-upgrade.html)
이벤트 발표 후 DBC 가격 변동
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30 1 21:28 (UTC)