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DeXe: X의 AMA
DeXe는 9월 19일 16:00 UTC에 X에서 AMA를 개최할 예정입니다. 토론은 다음 주제를 중심으로 진행됩니다: DAO 진화가 방해를 받았습니까?
이밴트: 2023년 9월 19일 16:00 UTC
AMA가 무엇인가요?
AMA는 'Ask Me Anything'의 약자로 말 그대로 무엇이든 물어보라는 의미를 가지고 있습니다. AMA는 정식 용어는 아니지만 ICO나 Pre-sale 전 각종 커뮤니티에서 쉽게 볼 수 있는 용어입니다.
💡Hey DeXers, our next DAO Talk Panel is on tuesday, september 19th 16:00 UTC.
The topic of the panel is: "Has the DAO evolution been stunted?"
✅ The panelists for this one are:
▪️DrNickA of FactDAO: The DAO that builds DAOs.
▪️mialalala2 of the beep_crypto, thepass_to, and WHALEMembers fame.
▪️bitfalls, Founder of RmrkApp and Co-founder of CypherMOD_SDK.
We will talk about the long way DAOs have come but also everything that didn't quite go as planned. What's keeping DAOs from reaching their potential? Let's explore together!
📍Listeners will get a POAP 👉 https://link3.to/e/zBtO0g
🔥Join us on Tuesday and bring some questions! 👉 https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1DXxyvWrlqyKM
The topic of the panel is: "Has the DAO evolution been stunted?"
✅ The panelists for this one are:
▪️DrNickA of FactDAO: The DAO that builds DAOs.
▪️mialalala2 of the beep_crypto, thepass_to, and WHALEMembers fame.
▪️bitfalls, Founder of RmrkApp and Co-founder of CypherMOD_SDK.
We will talk about the long way DAOs have come but also everything that didn't quite go as planned. What's keeping DAOs from reaching their potential? Let's explore together!
📍Listeners will get a POAP 👉 https://link3.to/e/zBtO0g
🔥Join us on Tuesday and bring some questions! 👉 https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1DXxyvWrlqyKM
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