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HydraDX HDX: 폴카닷 수분 캠페인
HydraDX가 6월 10일 폴카닷 하이드레이션 캠페인에 참여할 예정입니다. 1년 동안 진행될 이번 캠페인은 옴니풀에 유동성을 끌어들이는 것을 목표로 한다. vDOT 및 HDX를 통해 천만 달러 이상의 인센티브를 배포함으로써 이를 수행할 것입니다. 이 캠페인은 최대 260%의 초기 연이율(APR)을 제공할 것으로 예상됩니다.
이밴트: 10에서 10 6월 2025까지 UTC
Our hydrated newsletter for April / May is BIG 💦
Announcing the launch of liquidity incentives, 1-click onboarding from Ethereum, and the ability to pay for gas with MetaMask using any asset
There is also a sneak peak into the Hydration rebranding
Summary in 🧵
Announcing the launch of liquidity incentives, 1-click onboarding from Ethereum, and the ability to pay for gas with MetaMask using any asset
There is also a sneak peak into the Hydration rebranding
Summary in 🧵
2/ The launch of the Polkadot Hydration campaign is planned for june 10th
Over the course of 1 year, it will distribute $10M+ worth of incentives (in vDOT + HDX) to attract liquidity into the Omnipool
With initial APRs reaching 260%, you don't want to miss this party
Over the course of 1 year, it will distribute $10M+ worth of incentives (in vDOT + HDX) to attract liquidity into the Omnipool
With initial APRs reaching 260%, you don't want to miss this party
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24 5 16:14 (UTC)