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Imagine: 보상 분배
Imagine은 6개월 동안 진행될 보상 분배 프로그램을 발표했습니다. 해당 프로그램은 4월 5일부터 시작될 예정이다. 보상은 프로그램 기간 동안 매주 금요일에 배포됩니다. 참가자는 최소 1000개의 Imagine 토큰을 보유해야 하며, 이는 매주 증가하는 요구 사항입니다.
이밴트: 5 4에서 5 10 2024까지 UTC
Imagine !!!
For S1, a portion of the $imagine supply is earmarked to be distributed to collectors who mint w/ comment on Zora.
During this initial phase, there are no rules on what your mint comment needs to say, let your imagination flow.
As the season unfolds, expect this to evolve.
During this initial phase, there are no rules on what your mint comment needs to say, let your imagination flow.
As the season unfolds, expect this to evolve.
Imagine !!!
S1 will run for 6 months, and rewards are distributed every Fridays. The first distribution is set for april 5th!
How IPs accrual works:
- Hold a min 1000 $imagine (will increase weekly)
- Mint with comment. Any chain.
Receive Boosts by being an active channel member.
How IPs accrual works:
- Hold a min 1000 $imagine (will increase weekly)
- Mint with comment. Any chain.
Receive Boosts by being an active channel member.
이벤트 발표 후 IMAGINE 가격 변동
1 일
2 일
지금 (11 월전에 추가됨)
이벤트가 곧 시작됩니다
3 4 23:43 (UTC)