Immutable X IMX: Immutable Passport 란치
Immutable X는 12월 20일 Immutable Passport를 출시했습니다. 이 기능을 통해 사용자는 자산, 신원 및 성과를 저장할 수 있는 안전한 위치와 함께 여러 게임 및 마켓플레이스에 대한 단일 액세스 지점을 가질 수 있습니다.
이밴트: 2023년 12월 20일 UTC
Immutable Passport is officially live in playable games and marketplaces!
Experience the true value of Passport as you play new games and explore marketplaces with your assets and identity following you within the brand-new Passport experience.
Users who sign into Gods Unchained with Passport before December 31st will receive a free in-game cosmetic airdrop! This will be distributed in January alongside other goodies.
Gaming should be easy.
You now have a single access point for multiple games and marketplaces, with one secure location to save your assets, identity, and achievements.
Immutable Passport is the new gamer profile for web3 gaming - get your Passport today.
This is an unprecedented experience in web3 and why games and players choose Immutable.
Experience the true value of Passport as you play new games and explore marketplaces with your assets and identity following you within the brand-new Passport experience.
Users who sign into Gods Unchained with Passport before December 31st will receive a free in-game cosmetic airdrop! This will be distributed in January alongside other goodies.
Gaming should be easy.
You now have a single access point for multiple games and marketplaces, with one secure location to save your assets, identity, and achievements.
Immutable Passport is the new gamer profile for web3 gaming - get your Passport today.
This is an unprecedented experience in web3 and why games and players choose Immutable.
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