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Liquity LQTY: 프랑스 파리의 StableSummit
Liquity 창립자 Robert Lauko는 7월 15일 프랑스 파리에서 열리는 StableSummit에 참가하여 The Next Generation of DeFi Stablecoins에 대한 강연을 할 예정입니다. Liquity는 7월 16일 How To Build A Truly Censorship-Resistant Currency?라는 주제로 또 다른 강연을 할 예정입니다.
이밴트: 15에서 16 7월 2023까지 UTC
It's gonna be a big few weeks 👀
The Liquity team is in 🇫🇷, and we'll be giving 4️⃣ talks across different events
july 15th 9.50 CET: Liquity founder robert_lauko kicks off the stable_summit with his talk on The Next Generation of DeFi Stablecoins
You won't want to miss this
July 16 16:45 CET: TokenBrice jumps on a panel for the last talk of stable_summit, where he'll provide his expertise on the topic: How To Build A Truly Censorship-Resistant Currency?
July 17th 14:30 CET: At the Main Stage of EthCC , robert_lauko will give his talk on Cracking the Stablecoin Trilemma
let us repeat, you don't want to miss this 👁️
July 21st 9.35 CET: For the ones interested in oracles, Liquity co-founder rick_liquity shares his research findings for a talk on Evaluating DeFi Oracles at the OracleSummit
All these talks will also be available on live stream via the official YouTube channels of both stablesummit and EthCC !
Lastly, do hit us up on the DMs if you'd like to connect 🫡 🇫🇷
The Liquity team is in 🇫🇷, and we'll be giving 4️⃣ talks across different events
july 15th 9.50 CET: Liquity founder robert_lauko kicks off the stable_summit with his talk on The Next Generation of DeFi Stablecoins
You won't want to miss this
July 16 16:45 CET: TokenBrice jumps on a panel for the last talk of stable_summit, where he'll provide his expertise on the topic: How To Build A Truly Censorship-Resistant Currency?
July 17th 14:30 CET: At the Main Stage of EthCC , robert_lauko will give his talk on Cracking the Stablecoin Trilemma
let us repeat, you don't want to miss this 👁️
July 21st 9.35 CET: For the ones interested in oracles, Liquity co-founder rick_liquity shares his research findings for a talk on Evaluating DeFi Oracles at the OracleSummit
All these talks will also be available on live stream via the official YouTube channels of both stablesummit and EthCC !
Lastly, do hit us up on the DMs if you'd like to connect 🫡 🇫🇷
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14 7 01:17 (UTC)