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MESSIER M87: 새로운 기능 출시
MESSIER는 2월과 3월에 P2P 거래소에 대한 새로운 기능을 출시할 계획이라고 발표했습니다.
예정된 업데이트에는 이더리움의 귀속 토큰 스왑 BOT 업데이트, 이더리움과 솔라나의 시장 가격 풀, 두 네트워크의 시장 가격 풀 BOT, 솔라나 귀속 토큰 스왑 등이 포함됩니다.
이밴트: 2025년 3월 31일까지 UTC
M E S S I E R | M87
Vested Token Withdrawals
In the new Withdrawal dashboard, you can track the release schedules of your locked and linearly vested token contracts, withdraw tokens that have already been unlocked, and view a linear chart displaying the number of tokens expected to be released each day. With the multi-withdrawal feature, you can withdraw multiple tokens at once.
In the new Withdrawal dashboard, you can track the release schedules of your locked and linearly vested token contracts, withdraw tokens that have already been unlocked, and view a linear chart displaying the number of tokens expected to be released each day. With the multi-withdrawal feature, you can withdraw multiple tokens at once.
M E S S I E R | M87
Coming Up Next:
And that’s not all! In february and March, we’re rolling out even more exciting new features for our P2P Exchange:
▪️ Vested Token Swaps BOT Update (ETH)
▪️ Market Rate Pools (ETH & SOL)
▪️ Market Rate Pools BOT (ETH & SOL)
▪️ Solana Vested Token Swaps
▪️ Vested
And that’s not all! In february and March, we’re rolling out even more exciting new features for our P2P Exchange:
▪️ Vested Token Swaps BOT Update (ETH)
▪️ Market Rate Pools (ETH & SOL)
▪️ Market Rate Pools BOT (ETH & SOL)
▪️ Solana Vested Token Swaps
▪️ Vested
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26 2 18:35 (UTC)