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Nosana NOS: X의 AMA
Nosana는 6월 20일 16:00 UTC에 X에서 AMA를 개최할 예정입니다. 세션 동안 팀은 새로운 파트너십에 대해 알아보고 Alpha Neural이 Nosana의 GPU 인프라를 활용하여 AI 모델 개발에 혁신을 가져올 방법을 탐구할 것입니다.
이밴트: 2024년 6월 20일 16:00 UTC
AMA가 무엇인가요?
AMA는 'Ask Me Anything'의 약자로 말 그대로 무엇이든 물어보라는 의미를 가지고 있습니다. AMA는 정식 용어는 아니지만 ICO나 Pre-sale 전 각종 커뮤니티에서 쉽게 볼 수 있는 용어입니다.
As Phase 2 of Test Grid is about to launch, we continue to onboard companies 🤝
AlphaNeural AI is joining the grid and will use Nosana’s GPU infrastructure to power their decentralized AI marketplace.
This partnership will enable their users to train and deploy advanced AI models.
You can read more about the partnership here: https://nosana.io/blog/nosana_partners_with_alphaneural_to_democratize_ai_model_development/
AlphaNeural AI is joining the grid and will use Nosana’s GPU infrastructure to power their decentralized AI marketplace.
This partnership will enable their users to train and deploy advanced AI models.
You can read more about the partnership here: https://nosana.io/blog/nosana_partners_with_alphaneural_to_democratize_ai_model_development/
Join us for an AMA with AlphaNeural AI on june 20th at 6pm CET! 🎙️
We’ll dive into our new partnership and explore how Alpha Neural will leverage Nosana’s GPU infrastructure to revolutionize AI model development.
Set reminder: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1DXxyjjEZzvKM
We’ll dive into our new partnership and explore how Alpha Neural will leverage Nosana’s GPU infrastructure to revolutionize AI model development.
Set reminder: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1DXxyjjEZzvKM
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