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Oath: oOATH 출시
최근 팀은 새로운 토큰인 oOATH의 출시를 발표했습니다. 이 토큰의 기본 아이디어는 bOATH 지분 보유자가 수확량 농부로부터 이익을 얻을 수 있도록 하는 것입니다. 출시는 12월로 예정됐다.
oOATH의 핵심 사항:
- oOATH를 통해 OATH를 구매하면 참가자에게 절반 가격이 부과됩니다.
- 이러한 구매로 발생한 수익은 bOATH 스테이커에게 직접 전달됩니다.
유동성 공급자에 대한 인센티브의 상당 부분은 oOATH 형태로 발행됩니다.
본질적으로 ERN과 협력하는 수확량 농부는 bOATH 스테이커에게 이익을 직접 지불하게 됩니다.
또한 oOATH는 모듈식 토큰이며 시간이 지남에 따라 새로운 기능과 옵션이 추가될 것입니다.
이러한 혁신은 OATH 생태계를 활성화하고 Ethos Reserve V2의 기능을 향상시키기 위한 것입니다.
이밴트: 2023년 12월 UTC
OATH Foundation
In the bull market we had play2earn.
Now we’ve got pay2earn.
In december, our team will introduce oOATH.
oOATH is a token that lets $bOATH stakers earn revenue from yield farmers - literally making them pay to earn 😂
Here's a crash course on oOATH and Option Tokens:
First, let’s keep it simple.
1. oOATH lets you buy OATH for 50% off 👍
2. ERN generated through these purchases is directed to $bOATH stakers.
3. A majority of incentives issued to liquidity providers will come in the form of oOATH.
Basically, farmers of $ERN will be paying $bOATH stakers directly for their yield.
That's a pretty sweet deal, so let's dive deeper:
4. oOATH is modular. We will be adding new options over time, like zapping into bOATH, locking liquidity, or gaining exclusive access to NFTs or Chapter tokens.
5. oOATH will allow our protocols to achieve sustainable unit economics. Because each OATH emitted through oOATH has a price tag attached, we're brought closer to our goal of generating $1 in protocol revenue for every $1 of incentives.
6. oOATH will greatly increase the flow of capital through our ecosystem, thus giving us the power to solve problems more effectively as we add options and update parameters.
Sounding juicy? We agree!
oOATH is coming alongside changes we're making to $bOATH that we describe in detail here: https://twitter.com/OATHFoundation/status/1714354441061859345
Combined, these mechanics will invigorate the OATH Ecosystem and perfectly compliment the scalability and flexibility of Ethos Reserve V2.
If you've made it this far, let us know what centralized exchanges you'd like to see $OATH listed on!
Now we’ve got pay2earn.
In december, our team will introduce oOATH.
oOATH is a token that lets $bOATH stakers earn revenue from yield farmers - literally making them pay to earn 😂
Here's a crash course on oOATH and Option Tokens:
First, let’s keep it simple.
1. oOATH lets you buy OATH for 50% off 👍
2. ERN generated through these purchases is directed to $bOATH stakers.
3. A majority of incentives issued to liquidity providers will come in the form of oOATH.
Basically, farmers of $ERN will be paying $bOATH stakers directly for their yield.
That's a pretty sweet deal, so let's dive deeper:
4. oOATH is modular. We will be adding new options over time, like zapping into bOATH, locking liquidity, or gaining exclusive access to NFTs or Chapter tokens.
5. oOATH will allow our protocols to achieve sustainable unit economics. Because each OATH emitted through oOATH has a price tag attached, we're brought closer to our goal of generating $1 in protocol revenue for every $1 of incentives.
6. oOATH will greatly increase the flow of capital through our ecosystem, thus giving us the power to solve problems more effectively as we add options and update parameters.
Sounding juicy? We agree!
oOATH is coming alongside changes we're making to $bOATH that we describe in detail here: https://twitter.com/OATHFoundation/status/1714354441061859345
Combined, these mechanics will invigorate the OATH Ecosystem and perfectly compliment the scalability and flexibility of Ethos Reserve V2.
If you've made it this far, let us know what centralized exchanges you'd like to see $OATH listed on!
이벤트가 곧 시작됩니다
20 10 17:51 (UTC)