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OpSec: 토큰 청구 마감일
OpSec은 자격이 있는 참여자에게 v.2.0 클레임을 완료해야 하는 마감일이 12월 11일임을 상기시켰습니다. 이 마감일 이후, 12월 11일과 1월 20일 사이에 무작위로 스냅샷이 촬영됩니다. 스냅샷 기간 동안, 스냅샷 당시 보유량에 비례하여 미청구 토큰의 20% 에어드랍이 보유자에게 할당됩니다.
이밴트: 11 12에서 20 1 2025까지 UTC
A friendly reminder that you have until the 11th of December to complete your V2 claim as-long as you’re eligible!
Some people that have had problems claiming are being worked on and will be sorted out.
Please only use official links to claim: https://cloudverse.opsec.computer/
Any other links/sites are malicious and fake, don’t be fooled!
Once the claim deadline has passed, the snapshot will randomly take place between 11th December to 20th January.
20% airdrop of unclaimed tokens will be given to holders if you’re holding when the snapshot takes place. The more you hold the larger your reward.
Selling has a 2x penalty. This enhances the potential rewards for our holders.
- End of post, beware of malicious links in the comments below!
A friendly reminder that you have until the 11th of December to complete your V2 claim as-long as you’re eligible!
Some people that have had problems claiming are being worked on and will be sorted out.
Please only use official links to claim: https://cloudverse.opsec.computer/
Any other links/sites are malicious and fake, don’t be fooled!
Once the claim deadline has passed, the snapshot will randomly take place between 11th December to 20th January.
20% airdrop of unclaimed tokens will be given to holders if you’re holding when the snapshot takes place. The more you hold the larger your reward.
Selling has a 2x penalty. This enhances the potential rewards for our holders.
- End of post, beware of malicious links in the comments below!
이벤트 발표 후 OPSEC 가격 변동
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2 일
지금 (3 월전에 추가됨)
이벤트가 곧 시작됩니다
10 12 16:43 (UTC)