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Sentinel DVPN: dVPN 베타 앱 출시
Sentinel은 5월 6일 Android 사용자를 위한 Shield dVPN을 출시할 예정입니다. Atom dVPN, dogwifcoin dVPN 및 BTC dVPN을 포함한 추가 dVPN 애플리케이션이 향후 60일 이내에 출시될 예정입니다.
이밴트: 2024년 5월 6일 UTC
Sentinel dVPN ⚛️ #DePIN p2p Networking
Short-Term Roadmap Announcement:
The Sentinel Shield dVPN is launching for Android users tomorrow, marking the beginning of an aggressive marketing and user awareness campaign for #dVPN apps built on Sentinel's Layer-1 #DePin chain.
- More dVPN applications including Atom dVPN, dogwifcoin dVPN and BTC dVPN are planned to launch within the next 60 days.
- Sentinel's Android dVPN Node POC is set to be released for community testing in this month. These nodes will be used for the retrieval of data required to train AI models.
- Hardware Update - Easy 1-click dVPN node installer for Raspberry Pi is in progress and will soon enable easy proliferation of residential hardware nodes for the Sentinel ecosystem.
- The Sentinel Hub upgrade is planned to be fully executed in this month and will primarily feature an upgrade to a more recent release of the Cosmos SDK, reducing block time and benefiting user UX with faster connection times and in-dApp event execution.
The Sentinel Shield dVPN is launching for Android users tomorrow, marking the beginning of an aggressive marketing and user awareness campaign for #dVPN apps built on Sentinel's Layer-1 #DePin chain.
- More dVPN applications including Atom dVPN, dogwifcoin dVPN and BTC dVPN are planned to launch within the next 60 days.
- Sentinel's Android dVPN Node POC is set to be released for community testing in this month. These nodes will be used for the retrieval of data required to train AI models.
- Hardware Update - Easy 1-click dVPN node installer for Raspberry Pi is in progress and will soon enable easy proliferation of residential hardware nodes for the Sentinel ecosystem.
- The Sentinel Hub upgrade is planned to be fully executed in this month and will primarily feature an upgrade to a more recent release of the Cosmos SDK, reducing block time and benefiting user UX with faster connection times and in-dApp event execution.
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6 5 16:55 (UTC)