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Step Finance STEP: 터키 이스탄불 솔라나 크로스로드 2024
Step Finance는 5월 10일부터 11일까지 이스탄불에서 열리는 Solana Crossroads 컨퍼런스에 참가할 예정입니다. 이번 행사에는 약 3000여명의 참석자가 참여할 것으로 예상된다. 이번 컨퍼런스에는 코인게코(Coingecko) 공동 창업자, 스타 아틀라스(Star Atlas) 공동 창업자 등 저명한 연사가 참석할 예정이며, 향후 더 많은 연사가 발표될 예정이다.
이밴트: 10에서 11 5월 2024까지 UTC
Solana Crossroads ✨ ISTANBUL May 10-11, 2024
Announcing Solana Crossroads 2024!
Join us in Istanbul this May for Solana Crossroads' 2nd Annual Conference. Over two days, connect with 3,000 attendees and hear from world-renowned speakers like Coingecko's Co-founder Bobby Ong and Star Atlas' Co-founder SW4GN3R, with more to be announced soon.
Attendees will experience exclusive Turkish parties, VIP networking, and showcases of top Solana projects, all at the iconic Hilton Bosphorus establishment in Istanbul!
⏰ You can get your limited time early bird tickets starting today ⏰
Announcement details on Yahoo Finance 👇
Join us in Istanbul this May for Solana Crossroads' 2nd Annual Conference. Over two days, connect with 3,000 attendees and hear from world-renowned speakers like Coingecko's Co-founder Bobby Ong and Star Atlas' Co-founder SW4GN3R, with more to be announced soon.
Attendees will experience exclusive Turkish parties, VIP networking, and showcases of top Solana projects, all at the iconic Hilton Bosphorus establishment in Istanbul!
⏰ You can get your limited time early bird tickets starting today ⏰
Announcement details on Yahoo Finance 👇
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22 2 21:42 (UTC)