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Tezos XTZ: 파리에서 미술 전시회 개최
Tezos는 Kate Vass Galerie와 협력하여 프랑스 파리에서 Art Salon “Node to Node”를 개최합니다. 10월 13일부터 22일까지 진행되는 이번 행사에서는 유명 제너레이티브 및 AI 아티스트들의 작품 그룹전이 펼쳐진다.
이번 전시에서는 회화, 플로터 드로잉, 포스트 사진, 현장 설치 등 다양한 예술 매체를 선보일 예정이다. 이번 행사는 테조스(Tezos) 기반 생성 플랫폼 fxhash와의 파트너십을 통해 진행됩니다.
이밴트: 13에서 22 10월 2023까지 UTC
Kate Vass Galerie (Kate Vass Galerie) is hosting Art Salon 'Node to Node' in the heart of Paris from October 13th to 22nd.
Featuring an extraordinary list of renowned generative & AI artists, the group exhibition captivates a fusion of artistic mediums, combining paintings, plotter drawings, post-photography, and site-specific installations.
This event will be hosted in collaboration with the Tezos-based generative platform fxhash
🎨You don't want to miss it!
#Tezos #TezosArt
Featuring an extraordinary list of renowned generative & AI artists, the group exhibition captivates a fusion of artistic mediums, combining paintings, plotter drawings, post-photography, and site-specific installations.
This event will be hosted in collaboration with the Tezos-based generative platform fxhash
🎨You don't want to miss it!
#Tezos #TezosArt
Kate Vass Galerie (Kate Vass Galerie) is hosting Art Salon 'Node to Node' in the heart of Paris from october 13th to 22nd.
Featuring an extraordinary list of renowned generative & AI artists, the group exhibition captivates a fusion of artistic mediums, combining paintings, plotter drawings, post-photography, and site-specific installations.
This event will be hosted in collaboration with the Tezos-based generative platform fxhash
🎨You don't want to miss it!
#Tezos #TezosArt
Featuring an extraordinary list of renowned generative & AI artists, the group exhibition captivates a fusion of artistic mediums, combining paintings, plotter drawings, post-photography, and site-specific installations.
This event will be hosted in collaboration with the Tezos-based generative platform fxhash
🎨You don't want to miss it!
#Tezos #TezosArt
이벤트 발표 후 XTZ 가격 변동
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지금 (1 년전에 추가됨)
이벤트가 곧 시작됩니다
29 9 21:54 (UTC)