Voxies VOXEL: BitMart에 상장
BitMart는 8월 21일에 Voxies(VOXEL)를 상장할 예정입니다. 거래 쌍은 VOXEL/USDT입니다.
이밴트: 2024년 8월 21일 UTC
BitMart은(는) Voxies이(가) 상장된 거래소 중에서 7위가 가장 클 것입니다.
#BitMart will list Voxies (VOXEL)Voxies🔥
Voxies is a free-to-play, 3D turn-based tactical RPG game on blockchain. The main gameplay of Voxies is similar to a traditional RPG and tactical game, but it is powered by blockchain technology and ownership is central to the core concepts of the game. As a team-based tactical game, players can control multiple characters in the game and each character can be represented by Voxies that are directly owned as NFTs, or provided by the game for free-to-play players.
💰Trading pair: $VOXEL/USDT
💎Deposit: Available
💎Trading: 08/21/2024 09:00 AM UTC
Learn more: https://support.bitmart.com/hc/en-us/articles/28460614474651
Voxies is a free-to-play, 3D turn-based tactical RPG game on blockchain. The main gameplay of Voxies is similar to a traditional RPG and tactical game, but it is powered by blockchain technology and ownership is central to the core concepts of the game. As a team-based tactical game, players can control multiple characters in the game and each character can be represented by Voxies that are directly owned as NFTs, or provided by the game for free-to-play players.
💰Trading pair: $VOXEL/USDT
💎Deposit: Available
💎Trading: 08/21/2024 09:00 AM UTC
Learn more: https://support.bitmart.com/hc/en-us/articles/28460614474651
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