11월 22일에서 11월 29일까지 UTC

Prism AMA


What is Prism?

Prism is an upcoming highly innovative NFT Marketplace with ambitious plans for heralding in the next generation of digital art. They are actively striving to break barriers and revolutionize how the world views Non-Fungible Tokens. More details

AMA Details

Ask any questions about Prism, vote for your favorite questions, the authors of the best questions have a chance to win money prizes from Prism.

The prize pool is 500 USDT

이벤트가 곧 시작됩니다

질문과 답변

jelet_magg 질문
Who are your competitors?
+50 USDT
Artur231 질문
Tell us what are you planning, what are your plans for the future?
+50 USDT
sonymarley 질문
What can I use prism Wallet for?
+50 USDT
remotio 질문
Does the token work on the eth network or does it support bep20 as well?
+50 USDT
tamey 질문
Where is your company based? China?
+50 USDT
user398919 질문
How will artist release their work on the platform? Will there be a synergy between Digital and Physical art, since most if not all the selected artist are active in the "tangible world"? Which kind of release methods will be included? (drawings, open editions, highest bid etc..) Thanks in advance for your reply!
+50 USDT
Ghoss 질문
How do you find those partners from the announcements? Do they write to you themselves?
+50 USDT
LoveCrypto 질문
What tokens and networks are supported?
+50 USDT
Alexey_Drozd 질문
How are you connected with NuPay? I often see you together, but you seem to be not the same?
+50 USDT
EugeT 질문
How is your project unique and how does it differ from many others?
+50 USDT
donbazarov 질문
Are you self-backed, or do you have sponsors?
donbazarov 질문
How did you gather such talented and passionate team? Do you know each other for a long time?
user425502 질문
What can you offer/provide that others can`t?
scythianwizard 질문
What is the roadmap for PRISM`s development?
scythianwizard 질문
Patent when?
scythianwizard 질문
Will we able to see what stage of development PRISM is at?
donbazarov 질문
When moon?
donbazarov 질문
How old is Tathagat Singh?
jelet_magg 질문
Who are your partners? What exactly is a partnership?
jelet_magg 질문
After the recent hacks of decentralized platforms, what has your project done and will do to improve security?
untutu 질문
Will it be possible to mine tokens? If so, how?
untutu 질문
Hello, where is your company / project registered? How do you feel about the restrictions on crypto by the Chinese government?
untutu 질문
Could you share some details about the latest major achievements of your project?
Artem53 질문
Please tell us about the token! What are the use cases for the token, distribution, and where can I buy it?
BorGod 질문
What makes Prism different from other similar DEXs?
user425481 질문
Tell us a little about the background, what prompted you to create your own blockchain?
sonymarley 질문
What is the fee for using a bridge between networks?
sonymarley 질문
Where can you buy your coin? On which exchanges is the coin listed, what will be the future listings?
VoxelSniper 질문
Why are you using DEX distribution? What is his welcome?
user532362 질문
Which application is developing PRISM?
Alena 질문
What are your top 3 priorities in 2021? Could you share some plans for the coming year?
tamey 질문
What is arPRISM, opPrism, etc. What is all this? What is it for? How to use?
granma 질문
How do you plan to burn liquidity? And do you plan to incinerate at all?
tamey 질문
Waiting for you on the Gate exchange?
MyDadInsaid 질문
Your project has been audited by a third party, what are the security issues of your project's source code?
MyDadInsaid 질문
Your project has been audited by a third party, what are the security issues of your project's source code?
Bokern 질문
Tell us about the liquidity mining program, what is the percentage of income per year, where can you use it?
remotio 질문
How did you come up with a name for your project? What is the driving force behind your project?
tamey 질문
Has the project had any failures before? It is interesting to know which way was passed before we found out about you
tamey 질문
Do you support authorization via metamask?
tamey 질문
What are our benefits from using?
tamey 질문
Tell us about your team. Maybe you have an interesting story or facts that we can learn!
tamey 질문
How are you different from your competitors?
Ghoss 질문
Has the code been audited? If so, by whom?
Ghoss 질문
How secure is the site?
Ghoss 질문
How many language rooms does the project have?
Ghoss 질문
Will Prism have its own NFTs?
Ghoss 질문
What are the developers` benefit from this marketplace?
LoveCrypto 질문
Are there any prohibited countries? Especially interesting to learn about China?
LoveCrypto 질문
Will there be NFT moderation?
Alexey_Drozd 질문
How much is the marketplace fee?
Alexey_Drozd 질문
Can you mint my NFTs in PRISM?
KozzZ 질문
I am author some NFT. Can I trade NFT on Prism?
Twinex 질문
What is total supply of prism?
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