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Polkadot DOT: Integração da Unidade
Polkadot será integrado ao Unity, um fornecedor líder de kits de desenvolvimento de software que detém 60% do mercado de jogos móveis. Esta integração é resultado de uma colaboração entre Parity Technologies e Unity for Games.
Como parte desta colaboração, Polkadot se juntará ao programa de soluções verificadas da Unity, que avalia e faz a curadoria de soluções de terceiros. Esta mudança aumentará a visibilidade do Polkadot no espaço de jogos Web3, já que a loja Unity Asset é usada por mais de 1,5 milhão de desenvolvedores para uma ampla gama de aplicações na economia criadora.
Data do evento: 22 de dezembro de 2023 UTC
Polkadot will integrate with the Game Engine powering Pokémon Go and Call of Duty Mobile 🎮
A new collaboration between Parity Technologies and Unity for Games will allow Polkadot to join Unity's verified solutions (VS) program.
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📱 Unity is a leading software development kit (SDK) provider for game developers, and commands 60% of the mobile gaming market.
🌐 Unity VS offers a pathway for decentralized networks like Polkadot to earn a place in the Unity asset store. The VS program vets and curates third-party solutions - from SDKs and plug-ins, to editor apps and cloud services.
✅ Successful applicants are included in special collections, and are considered for marketing and promotional campaigns within the Unity asset store.
🤝 The collaboration increases the visibility of Polkadot as a contender in the Web3 gaming space. The Unity Asset store is used by over 1.5M developers for a wide variety of applications in the creator economy, such as animation and architecture.
A new collaboration between Parity Technologies and Unity for Games will allow Polkadot to join Unity's verified solutions (VS) program.
Learn more ↓
📱 Unity is a leading software development kit (SDK) provider for game developers, and commands 60% of the mobile gaming market.
🌐 Unity VS offers a pathway for decentralized networks like Polkadot to earn a place in the Unity asset store. The VS program vets and curates third-party solutions - from SDKs and plug-ins, to editor apps and cloud services.
✅ Successful applicants are included in special collections, and are considered for marketing and promotional campaigns within the Unity asset store.
🤝 The collaboration increases the visibility of Polkadot as a contender in the Web3 gaming space. The Unity Asset store is used by over 1.5M developers for a wide variety of applications in the creator economy, such as animation and architecture.
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