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Polkadot DOT: 유니티 통합
Polkadot은 모바일 게임 시장의 60%를 점유하고 있는 선도적인 소프트웨어 개발 키트 제공업체인 Unity에 통합될 예정입니다. 이러한 통합은 Parity Technologies와 Unity for Games 간의 협력의 결과로 이루어졌습니다.
이번 협업의 일환으로 Polkadot은 타사 솔루션을 조사하고 선별하는 Unity의 검증된 솔루션 프로그램에 참여할 예정입니다. Unity Asset 스토어는 150만 명 이상의 개발자가 제작자 경제의 다양한 애플리케이션에 사용되기 때문에 이러한 움직임으로 인해 Web3 게임 공간에서 Polkadot의 가시성이 높아질 것입니다.
이밴트: 2023년 12월 22일 UTC
Polkadot will integrate with the Game Engine powering Pokémon Go and Call of Duty Mobile 🎮
A new collaboration between Parity Technologies and Unity for Games will allow Polkadot to join Unity's verified solutions (VS) program.
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📱 Unity is a leading software development kit (SDK) provider for game developers, and commands 60% of the mobile gaming market.
🌐 Unity VS offers a pathway for decentralized networks like Polkadot to earn a place in the Unity asset store. The VS program vets and curates third-party solutions - from SDKs and plug-ins, to editor apps and cloud services.
✅ Successful applicants are included in special collections, and are considered for marketing and promotional campaigns within the Unity asset store.
🤝 The collaboration increases the visibility of Polkadot as a contender in the Web3 gaming space. The Unity Asset store is used by over 1.5M developers for a wide variety of applications in the creator economy, such as animation and architecture.
A new collaboration between Parity Technologies and Unity for Games will allow Polkadot to join Unity's verified solutions (VS) program.
Learn more ↓
📱 Unity is a leading software development kit (SDK) provider for game developers, and commands 60% of the mobile gaming market.
🌐 Unity VS offers a pathway for decentralized networks like Polkadot to earn a place in the Unity asset store. The VS program vets and curates third-party solutions - from SDKs and plug-ins, to editor apps and cloud services.
✅ Successful applicants are included in special collections, and are considered for marketing and promotional campaigns within the Unity asset store.
🤝 The collaboration increases the visibility of Polkadot as a contender in the Web3 gaming space. The Unity Asset store is used by over 1.5M developers for a wide variety of applications in the creator economy, such as animation and architecture.
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22 12 22:06 (UTC)