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Strike STRK: Prazo de Troca de Token
Os detentores de tokens SXP devem sacar seus fundos e conectá-los à Rede Solar o mais rápido possível. Após o período de transição (30 de junho), os tokens ERC20 SXP serão inutilizados.
Data do evento: 30 de junho de 2023 UTC
O que e uma troca de moeda (troca de token)?
Uma troca de moedas e um processo de migracao de criptomoedas de um blockchain para outro. Pode ser devido a um hard fork (troca de moeda) ou um lancamento mainnet (troca de token). Os titulares precisam seguir guias de troca para nao perder sua criptomoeda.
Strike Finance
📣 Announcement: Important Update for SXP Token Holders! 🚨
We are disabling the SXP market as SXP tokens are now being bridged to the Solar Network.
To ensure a smooth transition, we kindly request all SXP token holders to withdraw their funds and bridge them to the Solar Network as soon as possible. After the bridging period (30th june), ERC20 SXP tokens will be rendered useless.
🔁 Follow these steps:
1️⃣ Withdraw your SXP tokens from our platform.
2️⃣ Bridge your SXP tokens to the Solar Network.
For more details and instructions, please refer to the SIP-34 announcement on Twitter. We appreciate your cooperation in this transition.
#STRK #StrikeFinance #Lending #DeFi #SXP #SolarNetwork #TokenBridge #ImportantUpdate
We are disabling the SXP market as SXP tokens are now being bridged to the Solar Network.
To ensure a smooth transition, we kindly request all SXP token holders to withdraw their funds and bridge them to the Solar Network as soon as possible. After the bridging period (30th june), ERC20 SXP tokens will be rendered useless.
🔁 Follow these steps:
1️⃣ Withdraw your SXP tokens from our platform.
2️⃣ Bridge your SXP tokens to the Solar Network.
For more details and instructions, please refer to the SIP-34 announcement on Twitter. We appreciate your cooperation in this transition.
#STRK #StrikeFinance #Lending #DeFi #SXP #SolarNetwork #TokenBridge #ImportantUpdate
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O evento está prestes a começar
22 jun 17:09 (UTC)