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Strike STRK: 토큰 스왑 마감일
SXP 토큰 보유자는 가능한 한 빨리 자금을 인출하여 Solar Network에 연결해야 합니다. 브리징 기간(6월 30일)이 지나면 ERC20 SXP 토큰은 쓸모 없게 됩니다.
이밴트: 2023년 6월 30일 UTC
토큰 보유자가 원래 갖고 있던 토큰을 향상된 기능을 가진 새 토큰으로 교환해주는 것으로, 토큰 보유자의 잔액이 호환 가능한 새 프로젝트 지갑으로 옮겨가는 절차를 말한다.
Strike Finance
📣 Announcement: Important Update for SXP Token Holders! 🚨
We are disabling the SXP market as SXP tokens are now being bridged to the Solar Network.
To ensure a smooth transition, we kindly request all SXP token holders to withdraw their funds and bridge them to the Solar Network as soon as possible. After the bridging period (30th june), ERC20 SXP tokens will be rendered useless.
🔁 Follow these steps:
1️⃣ Withdraw your SXP tokens from our platform.
2️⃣ Bridge your SXP tokens to the Solar Network.
For more details and instructions, please refer to the SIP-34 announcement on Twitter. We appreciate your cooperation in this transition.
#STRK #StrikeFinance #Lending #DeFi #SXP #SolarNetwork #TokenBridge #ImportantUpdate
We are disabling the SXP market as SXP tokens are now being bridged to the Solar Network.
To ensure a smooth transition, we kindly request all SXP token holders to withdraw their funds and bridge them to the Solar Network as soon as possible. After the bridging period (30th june), ERC20 SXP tokens will be rendered useless.
🔁 Follow these steps:
1️⃣ Withdraw your SXP tokens from our platform.
2️⃣ Bridge your SXP tokens to the Solar Network.
For more details and instructions, please refer to the SIP-34 announcement on Twitter. We appreciate your cooperation in this transition.
#STRK #StrikeFinance #Lending #DeFi #SXP #SolarNetwork #TokenBridge #ImportantUpdate
이벤트 발표 후 STRK 가격 변동
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지금 (1 년전에 추가됨)
이벤트가 곧 시작됩니다
22 6 17:09 (UTC)