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Gelato примет участие в стриме совместно с Blockworks Empire 28 октября
Gelato примет участие в совместном стриме с Blockworks Empire 28 октября.
Дата события: 28 октября 2024 г. UTC
Что такое вопросы и ответы (AMA)?
Сессия «Вопросы и ответы» (AMA) (сокр. англ. ask me anything, спрашивай что угодно) — это обычно онлайновая неформальная встреча, участники которой могут задавать любые вопросы приглашенному гостю, а гость отвечает на них в реальном времени.
Gelato 🟠
Just recorded with Andrew Koller (Ink founder) and Hilmar | ser.eth
Notes on Kraken's new L2:
- 8 months from decision to launch ink
- Ethereum as DA, also looked at Celestia and Eigen
- L3 DA could explore more modular not just Ethereum
- Could have more than one L2 in the distant future (not anytime soon)
- Thought about building in-house but used RaaS provider Gelato
- Goal to get centralized order books onchain
- Wallet is the portal
- Thought about forking OP Stack but leveraging the interop of Superchain made more sense
- Didn't share revenue split but will be public soon
- Will lean into dev tooling ahead of mainnet
- 1000+ people at Kraken are in the Ink slack channel
- Hundreds of L2s are launching in next several months
- Very obvious now that every app will have its own chain
- BlackRock, Nasdaq, Dow Jones, etc will also eventually have their own L2s
- Launched with Base support
- Vercel, Amazon, Google, etc should build (or probably buy) a RaaS provider
- Kraken would launch a token for Ink if it wasn’t for the regulators
- Board members and investors liked it, doesn't think it will hurt future IPO prospects
- Unofficial vision is to have every PRD at Kraken have an onchain component to it
Way more details in the podcast, out on Empire 🟪 soon.
Notes on Kraken's new L2:
- 8 months from decision to launch ink
- Ethereum as DA, also looked at Celestia and Eigen
- L3 DA could explore more modular not just Ethereum
- Could have more than one L2 in the distant future (not anytime soon)
- Thought about building in-house but used RaaS provider Gelato
- Goal to get centralized order books onchain
- Wallet is the portal
- Thought about forking OP Stack but leveraging the interop of Superchain made more sense
- Didn't share revenue split but will be public soon
- Will lean into dev tooling ahead of mainnet
- 1000+ people at Kraken are in the Ink slack channel
- Hundreds of L2s are launching in next several months
- Very obvious now that every app will have its own chain
- BlackRock, Nasdaq, Dow Jones, etc will also eventually have their own L2s
- Launched with Base support
- Vercel, Amazon, Google, etc should build (or probably buy) a RaaS provider
- Kraken would launch a token for Ink if it wasn’t for the regulators
- Board members and investors liked it, doesn't think it will hurt future IPO prospects
- Unofficial vision is to have every PRD at Kraken have an onchain component to it
Way more details in the podcast, out on Empire 🟪 soon.
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