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Marinade заключает партнерство с PubKey

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Marinade объявила о сотрудничестве с PubKey, инструментом верификации для Discord. PubKey, занявший первое место на хакатоне «Solana Hyperdrive» в категории криптоинфраструктура, будет использоваться для инструментов верификации и управления доступом к сообществу. Основой партнерства является открытый исходный код бота верификации PubKey, который позволяет пользователям контролировать доступ к их серверам Discord и управлять потребностями в верификации.

PubKey будет развернут на сервере Marinade в Discord к концу недели. Вначале бот будет работать в «тестовом режиме», проверяя требования к ролям, но не назначая и не удаляя роли. После 10-дневного пробного периода бот станет полностью функциональным. В будущем к PubKey будут добавлены дополнительные функции для улучшения взаимодействия в Discord и общения в сообществе.

Дата события: 1 марта 2024 г. UTC
Marinade 🛡️
📣 Marinade is pleased to announce a partnership with PubKey 🅿️ as the verification tool for the discord and community!

After winning first place in the Solana Hyperdrive Hackathon for Crypto Infrastructure, PubKey has been taking verification tooling and community gating to the next level. #OPOS

Here are some of the reasons Marinade is switching to PubKey as the verification tool:

Open Source Verification Bot: Leaning heavily on open source, PubKey allows users to fully control their Discord server gatekeeping and self-manage their discord verification needs.

Fully composable verification tool: Server owners can tailor their verification processes while ensuring utmost security and authenticity, using PubKey’s features and seamless integration capabilities.

We are PubKey: Combine PubKey’s composability with being open source, this means that anyone can build on PubKey!

Decentralizing community verification tooling: With PubKey you can own your server instance, meaning your community keeps ownership of its user data. This removes the dependency on a single entity for running the Discord verification, you can take control in your own hands.

PubKey is all about a community 'owning their identity'. The bot instance that will be joining Marinade discord is no longer from a generic third party, but validation will happen with a Marinade branded bot, on a Marinade domain!

All the above provide an unparalleled synergy for a secure setup for verification on the Marinade community discord.

From stakers and validators to community members, here is what you need to know if you are a member of the Marinade discord.

PubKey will be deployed on the Marinade discord by the end of this week. Starting then, the bot will be running in “dry mode,” reading & checking role requirements but without assigning or removing roles.

Community members will be able to register with PubKey (a process that takes less than a minute) to start receiving their roles once the bot becomes fully operational after 10 days of trial run.

In the weeks to come, expect more cool features to be added on PubKey which will be making your discord and community experience even smoother!

Marinade is all about growing & supporting the Solana ecosystem and is thrilled to support homegrown tools made with love within the Solana ecosystem. The Chefs could not be more excited about what’s coming!

If you want a sneak peek and more alpha on the PubKey integration on Marinade discord, tune in to our first Town Hall for 2024, this Friday, 15:00 UTC!
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