Ref Finance (REF) Feed: Events, News & Roadmap

Ref Finance to Hold AMA on Telegram on December 12th
Ref Finance will host an AMA on Telegram on December 12th at 14:00 UTC.
Ref Finance to Participate in [REDACTED] in Bangkok on November 9th
Ref Finance will participate in [REDACTED] in Bangkok from November 9 to 11.
Ref Finance to Hold AMA on Discord on November 21st
Ref Finance will host an AMA on Discord on November 21st at 13:00 UTC.
Ref Finance to Participate in NEARCON2023 in Lisbon on November 7th
Ref Finance’s chief technology officer will be a speaker at the NEARCON2023 conference, which is scheduled to take place from November 7 to November 10.
Ref Finance to Hold AMA on X on September 21st
Ref Finance will host an AMA on X on September 21st featuring Orderly Network and HERE Wallet.
AMA on Crypto Talkz Twitter
Crypto Talkz will host an AMA on Twitter with Ref Finance on July 7th.
AMA on Twitter
Join to an AMA on Twitter.
AMA on Twitter
Join to an AMA on Twitter.
AMA on Twitter
Join to an AMA on Twitter.
AMA on Twitter
Join to an AMA on Twitter.
AMA on Twitter
Join to next Twitter space on Thursday.
Community Call
Join to community call.
AMA on Twitter
Join to an AMA on Twitter.
Ref v.2.0 Launch
Ref v.2.0 will be launched this week.
AMA on Twitter
Join to an AMA on Twitter.
AMA on Twitter
Weekly AMA will take place on Twitter.
AMA on Twitter
Join for an AMA on Twitter.
AMA on Twitter
Join this week’s AMA with Ref Finance.
AMA on Twitter
Join for Twitter space today.
AMA on Twitter
AMA will be held on Twitter.