StarkNet StarkNet STRK
Show Coin Info
0.466445 USD
% Change
Market Cap
830M USD
102M USD
Circulating Supply
45% from all time low
845% to all time high
48% from all time low
166% to all time high
18% are in circulation
Circulating Supply
Max Supply

StarkNet (STRK) Calendar: Release Schedule, Listings, Hard Fork, Halving

During the whole time of StarkNet monitoring, 31 events were added:
13 exchange events
4 meetups
3 AMA sessions
3 conference participations
2 lock or unlock tokens
1 contest
1 event related to a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO)
1 event related to earnings
1 release
1 event related to testing of new functions
1 update
September 30, 2024 UTC

AMA on

StarkNet will host an AMA on on September 30th at 16:00 UTC. The CEO of StarkNet, Eli Ben-Sasson, will be discussing the company’s core v…

Added 5 days ago
Until December 31, 2024 UTC

Staking Launch

StarkNet has announced that STRK staking will be introduced in the fourth quarter.

Added 2 months ago
Past Events
September 15, 2024 UTC

Tokens Unlock

StarkNet will unlock 64,000,000 STRK tokens on September 15th, constituting approximately 3.95% of the currently circulating supply.

Added 1 month ago
August 28, 2024 UTC

Starknet v.0.13.2

StarkNet is set to release an updated version, Starknet v.0.13.2, in August. This update is expected to offer the community faster transactions withou…

Added 2 months ago
August 5, 2024 UTC

StarkWare Scholar Summit in New York

StarkNet is organizing an event named StarkWare Scholar Summit in New York on August 5th. The summit will bring together some of the brightest minds i…

Added 2 months ago
July 29, 2024 UTC

Tokyo Meetup

StarkNet is set to host a meetup in Tokyo on July 29th. The event, organized in collaboration with Topology and Starknet Asia, will feature a variety …

Added 3 months ago
July 28, 2024 UTC

Bangalore Meetup

StarkNet is organizing an exclusive dinner for builders and founders in Bangalore on the 28th of July at 2:30 PM UTC. The gathering aims to provide a …

Added 2 months ago
July 21, 2024 UTC


StarkNet is hosting a three-week event known as the Starknet Tokenbound hackathon on July 1st-21st. The purpose of this event is to provide a platform…

Added 3 months ago
July 11, 2024 UTC

EthCC in Brussels

StarkNet will participate in the EthCC in Brussels on July 8th-11th.

Added 3 months ago
July 9, 2024 UTC

L2con in Brussels

StarkNet will take part in L2con in Brussels on July 9th during ETHCC conference.

Added 3 months ago
July 6, 2024 UTC

Brussels Meetup

StarkNet will host a meetup in Brussels on July 2nd-6th.

Added 3 months ago
June 14, 2024 UTC

Tokens Unlock

StarkNet will unlock 73 million STRK tokens on June 14th, constituting approximately 5% of the currently circulating supply.

Added 3 months ago
June 10, 2024 UTC

Ledger Integration

StarkNet has announced the integration of Ledger into its platform. This integration will be available on Starknet with Argent and Braavos wallets.

Added 3 months ago
May 22, 2024 UTC

Kakarot Testnet Launch

StarkNet is launching its public whitelist testnet phase, Kakarot Sepolia. This is a significant development as Kakarot is an EVM-compatible ZK-Rollup…

Added 4 months ago
May 16, 2024 UTC

Listing on Indodax

Indodax will list StarkNet (STRK) on May 16th.

Added 4 months ago
May 9, 2024 UTC

Community Call

StarkNet’s CEO, Eli Ben-Sasson, will be addressing the community’s feedback in the upcoming community call on May 9th at 14:00 UTC. The main focus of …

Added 4 months ago
April 23, 2024 UTC

Berlin Meetup

StarkNet, in collaboration with Giza, is currently working on a new AI project. The project is still under development by the StarkWare exploration te…

Added 5 months ago
February 26, 2024 UTC

Listing on BTSE

BTSE will list StarkNet (STRK) on February 26th.

Added 7 months ago
February 25, 2024 UTC

Live Stream on YouTube

StarkNet will host a live stream on YouTube on July 25th at 17:00 UTC.

Added 2 months ago
February 20, 2024 UTC

Listing on will list StarkNet under the STRK/USDT trading pair on February 20th.

Added 7 months ago
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