Veros VRS: Bonus Program
Get a unique "Growing StableToken" by purchasing VRS.
🌟When purchasing #VRS tokens on exchanges, the user can additionally receive 30% of the purchased balance in unique ATLAS tokens (10 USDT/1 token).
Program conditions:
Date: December 1-25.
Minimum purchase: from 1500 VRS. | The volume of purchases is not limited. No more than 2 purchases are counted.
Confirmation: a Screenshot of the purchase operation and saving the purchased balance before accrual of ATLAS tokens.
Example: when purchasing VRS tokens for$ 100, the user will be credited in ATLAS + $ 30 tokens
ATLAS "Growing StableToken" on the TRON Blockchain that allows you to give a fixed and stable growth due to the validation of supply and demand on trading platforms based on the "GrowStable" algorithm created by the developer of VEROS.