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Polkaswap PSWAP: 유동성 프로그램 업데이트
Polkaswap은 유동성 프로그램을 업데이트합니다. 전략 보너스 보상 조건이 변경되었습니다. 이제 이러한 보상을 받으려면 XOR 쌍 풀에 최소 300만 개의 XOR 유동성이 제공되어야 합니다. 이는 이전 조건에서 변경된 것이며 유동성 풀에 더 많은 기여를 하는 유동성 공급자에게 보상하도록 설계되었습니다.
또한 XOR-VAL, XOR-PSWAP, XOR-DAI, XOR-ETH 또는 XOR-DOT 풀에 기여하면 보상이 두 배가 됩니다. 그러나 풀이 300만 XOR 미만으로 떨어지면 전략적 보너스 PSWAP 보상 자격이 상실되고 시간 계수가 재설정된다는 점에 유의하는 것이 중요합니다. 이 경우 획득한 보너스는 손실되지 않습니다.
이밴트: 2024년 4월 24일 UTC
Polkaswap | Trade with Style and Freedom
🔍 The conditions for Strategic Bonus rewards have been updated
Now, to be eligible, you'll need to provide a minimum of 3 million (3'000'000) XOR liquidity in any XOR-paired pool.
📇 Check out the details here: https://wiki.sora.org/snippets/rewards-theory.html#lp-farming-bonus-rewards
💰 Plus, if you contribute to the XOR-VAL, XOR-PSWAP, XOR-DAI, XOR-ETH, or XOR-DOT pools, your rewards are doubled!
⏳ wednesday 24th april - 11:10 CEST
This is an update to the LP program to reflect the originally designed idea to reward liquidity providers with extra bonuses, particularly those who contributed more to the liquidity pool (above certain threshold).
⚠️ Remember, it's essential to keep an eye on your liquidity provision status.
If your pool falls below 3 million XOR, you'll lose elegibility for strategic bonus PSWAP rewards and your time coefficient will reset, although you won't lose the bonus earned.
📱 Keep track of your LP levels effortlessly!
Monitor them directly from mobile apps like SORA Wallet, and get ready for the upcoming feature on Fearless Wallet.
➡️ Get started: https://polkaswap.io/#/pool/
ℹ️ Learn about $PSWAP strategic bonus rewards: https://medium.com/polkaswap/pswap-rewards-1-polkaswap-liquidity-reward-farming-3e045d71509
Now, to be eligible, you'll need to provide a minimum of 3 million (3'000'000) XOR liquidity in any XOR-paired pool.
📇 Check out the details here: https://wiki.sora.org/snippets/rewards-theory.html#lp-farming-bonus-rewards
💰 Plus, if you contribute to the XOR-VAL, XOR-PSWAP, XOR-DAI, XOR-ETH, or XOR-DOT pools, your rewards are doubled!
⏳ wednesday 24th april - 11:10 CEST
This is an update to the LP program to reflect the originally designed idea to reward liquidity providers with extra bonuses, particularly those who contributed more to the liquidity pool (above certain threshold).
⚠️ Remember, it's essential to keep an eye on your liquidity provision status.
If your pool falls below 3 million XOR, you'll lose elegibility for strategic bonus PSWAP rewards and your time coefficient will reset, although you won't lose the bonus earned.
📱 Keep track of your LP levels effortlessly!
Monitor them directly from mobile apps like SORA Wallet, and get ready for the upcoming feature on Fearless Wallet.
➡️ Get started: https://polkaswap.io/#/pool/
ℹ️ Learn about $PSWAP strategic bonus rewards: https://medium.com/polkaswap/pswap-rewards-1-polkaswap-liquidity-reward-farming-3e045d71509
이벤트가 곧 시작됩니다
23 4 16:36 (UTC)