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Polkaswap обновит программу ликвидности
Polkaswap объявил об обновлении программы ликвидности. Теперь для получения стратегических бонусов минимальный объём ликвидности в любом пуле с парой XOR должен составлять не менее 3 миллионов XOR. Это изменение условий направлено на вознаграждение провайдеров, вносящих больший вклад в ликвидность.
Помимо этого, бонусы будут удваиваться за вклад в пулы XOR-VAL, XOR-PSWAP, XOR-DAI, XOR-ETH, или XOR-DOT. Если объём ликвидности в пуле снизится ниже 3 миллионов XOR, право на стратегический бонус будет потеряно, но ранее заработанные бонусы останутся в силе.
Дата события: 24 апреля 2024 г. UTC
Polkaswap | Trade with Style and Freedom
🔍 The conditions for Strategic Bonus rewards have been updated
Now, to be eligible, you'll need to provide a minimum of 3 million (3'000'000) XOR liquidity in any XOR-paired pool.
📇 Check out the details here: https://wiki.sora.org/snippets/rewards-theory.html#lp-farming-bonus-rewards
💰 Plus, if you contribute to the XOR-VAL, XOR-PSWAP, XOR-DAI, XOR-ETH, or XOR-DOT pools, your rewards are doubled!
⏳ wednesday 24th april - 11:10 CEST
This is an update to the LP program to reflect the originally designed idea to reward liquidity providers with extra bonuses, particularly those who contributed more to the liquidity pool (above certain threshold).
⚠️ Remember, it's essential to keep an eye on your liquidity provision status.
If your pool falls below 3 million XOR, you'll lose elegibility for strategic bonus PSWAP rewards and your time coefficient will reset, although you won't lose the bonus earned.
📱 Keep track of your LP levels effortlessly!
Monitor them directly from mobile apps like SORA Wallet, and get ready for the upcoming feature on Fearless Wallet.
➡️ Get started: https://polkaswap.io/#/pool/
ℹ️ Learn about $PSWAP strategic bonus rewards: https://medium.com/polkaswap/pswap-rewards-1-polkaswap-liquidity-reward-farming-3e045d71509
Now, to be eligible, you'll need to provide a minimum of 3 million (3'000'000) XOR liquidity in any XOR-paired pool.
📇 Check out the details here: https://wiki.sora.org/snippets/rewards-theory.html#lp-farming-bonus-rewards
💰 Plus, if you contribute to the XOR-VAL, XOR-PSWAP, XOR-DAI, XOR-ETH, or XOR-DOT pools, your rewards are doubled!
⏳ wednesday 24th april - 11:10 CEST
This is an update to the LP program to reflect the originally designed idea to reward liquidity providers with extra bonuses, particularly those who contributed more to the liquidity pool (above certain threshold).
⚠️ Remember, it's essential to keep an eye on your liquidity provision status.
If your pool falls below 3 million XOR, you'll lose elegibility for strategic bonus PSWAP rewards and your time coefficient will reset, although you won't lose the bonus earned.
📱 Keep track of your LP levels effortlessly!
Monitor them directly from mobile apps like SORA Wallet, and get ready for the upcoming feature on Fearless Wallet.
➡️ Get started: https://polkaswap.io/#/pool/
ℹ️ Learn about $PSWAP strategic bonus rewards: https://medium.com/polkaswap/pswap-rewards-1-polkaswap-liquidity-reward-farming-3e045d71509
Мероприятие скоро начнется
23 апр 16:36 (UTC)