Uniswap UNI: Uniswap v.4.0 출시
Uniswap은 현재 3분기에 잠정적으로 예정된 v.4 버전 출시를 준비하고 있습니다. 개발 과정은 세 단계로 나누어진다. 현재 진행 중인 첫 번째 단계에는 핵심 코드 마무리, 테스트, 가스 사용량 최적화, 보안 강화 및 주변 마무리 작업이 포함됩니다. 두 번째 단계에는 여러 감사 회사의 포괄적인 감사와 커뮤니티 감사 경연 대회가 포함됩니다. 동시에 v.4는 최종 조정을 위해 테스트넷에 배포됩니다. 세 번째이자 마지막 단계는 3분기에 메인넷 ETH에서 v.4를 출시하는 것입니다.
이밴트: 2024년 9월 30일까지 UTC
Now that the launch of Dencun on Mainnet has been scheduled for March 2024, we're excited to provide an update to the community! 🎉
Uniswap v4's launch is tentatively set for Q3 2024.
From community-built Hooks (https://uniswaphooks.com/), to events, to Twitter Spaces, the momentum for v4 has been growing!
At the same time, we believe v4 should be the most rigorously audited code ever deployed on Ethereum—the roadmap below reflects a comprehensive plan to ensure this:
👩💻 Phase 1: Code Freeze (in progress)
Core code completion, testing, gas optimizations, security enhancements, and finalizing the periphery.
🧪 Phase 2: Auditing and Testnet
Comprehensive auditing by multiple audit firms and a community audit contest. In parallel, v4 will be deployed to testnet, and final adjustments will be made to the code.
🦄 Phase 3: Launch Push
v4 is pushed to Mainnet ETH in Q3.
Make sure you’re following Uniswap Foundation and Uniswap Labs 🦄 Labs for more updates as the v4 launch approaches.
Uniswap v4's launch is tentatively set for Q3 2024.
From community-built Hooks (https://uniswaphooks.com/), to events, to Twitter Spaces, the momentum for v4 has been growing!
At the same time, we believe v4 should be the most rigorously audited code ever deployed on Ethereum—the roadmap below reflects a comprehensive plan to ensure this:
👩💻 Phase 1: Code Freeze (in progress)
Core code completion, testing, gas optimizations, security enhancements, and finalizing the periphery.
🧪 Phase 2: Auditing and Testnet
Comprehensive auditing by multiple audit firms and a community audit contest. In parallel, v4 will be deployed to testnet, and final adjustments will be made to the code.
🦄 Phase 3: Launch Push
v4 is pushed to Mainnet ETH in Q3.
Make sure you’re following Uniswap Foundation and Uniswap Labs 🦄 Labs for more updates as the v4 launch approaches.
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